Thursday, 27 December 2018

End of an era

Early days in the garden – Kay (Deputy Manager), Janet, Ed, Cliona, Sara, Imogene and Audrey 
Sadly, the home for people with learning disabilities at 75 Ashburnham Grove is about to close. However all the residents have had a choice of places to move to and Harry will be able to come back to The Ash regularly as he will only be a bus ride away.
The home is owned and run by the Council. They have decided to close it because the building is dilapidated and would be very expensive to repair. In any case the layout is no longer fit for purpose especially because some of the residents are elderly and many need a lot of physical help. The managers and staff were sad about the decision but felt it was the right one as it had become hard to care for the residents in the building.
The residents have already started moving out, they will all have left by early January. The staff will get jobs in other homes. The Council is considering what to do with the site and will be consulting local residents in due course.
Us gardeners will miss our monthly get together with residents Harry and George. The garden is looking good after nine years of our efforts and it has produced some fine fruit and veg. We will continue to look after more visible green patches in the triangle, especially the planter on the play street.
If anyone needs plants or gardening equipment, we may be able to retrieve some for you before the home closes and the diggers move in. Please email
Sara Emanuel and Janet Stott

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Carol singing and much more in the Triangle

It was raining on Thursday 20th of December but by 6pm it had stopped so the carol singers, some children dressed as elves, some in sparkly hats, all enthusiastic, kept their song sheets dry as they strolled and sang around the Ashburnham Triangle streets collecting for Shelter (charity for the homeless). We finished at the Ashburnham Arms for roast chestnuts and inside there was shepherds pie provided by Pepina at cost with the profit going to Shelter. Competition can be both fierce and friendly. Our Christmas Quiz (devised by Barbara) was just that and a very jolly end to the evening.
Together with the collection, food and quiz we raised £400. It is not hard to imagine the pain of being on the streets with no home to go to, so it is very satisfying to be able to have such fun while helping to make some lives a little easier.
Thank you to everybody who contributed to the evening.
Janet and Robin Stott

Sunday, 23 December 2018

Saxon Wharf and Deptford Creek latest

Planning update from Mick Delap: as 2018 ends, three quick bits of news about what's happening along Deptford Creek.
First, thanks to all who joined me in objecting to allowing the Saxon Wharf application by the latest Creekside developer to be approved without some changes. The developers are promising public access to the Creek, and a Creekside path along their proposed frontage. But similar promises by previous developers still haven't been met. So we are objecting against full approval, until Greenwich Planning can formulate stronger guarantees that Saxon Wharf's pathway promises will be enforced more effectively. Our objections were due to be discussed on 19th December, when Planning Board were to consider the application. But at that Planning Board meeting, they decided to defer the hearing until the New Year - so they could try and make the housing mix more socially inclusive. We will be there!
Looking ahead to the New Year, the Thames Tideway Tunnel constructors are preparing to start digging out the big drop shaft that is the next step in creating Greenwich's own bit of their super sewer. This will generate significantly increased lorry traffic on Greenwich South Street, Greenwich High Road, and Norman Road, from February, for three months. TTT have announced they will hold a public meeting on 15th Jan, in the West Greenwich Community Centre, on Greenwich High Road, to discuss their traffic management plans for this next construction phase. All welcome - more details in the New Year. (But if you want to see the full Traffic Management Plan, that will be discussed on 15th Jan, and considered by Greenwich Planning Board on 22nd Jan, enter Planning Application No. 18/3473/G into the Greenwich Planning Simple Search web page).
Finally, Mick is inviting any ATA members who would like to help him generate a 2019 Creekside Pathway Campaign to come to the Ash on 24th Jan to discuss ideas and ways forward. Full details in the New Year - but Mick welcomes suggestions or questions:

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

The junction of Greenwich South Street, Blissett Street and Devonshire Drive

We have been advised that the Royal Borough of Greenwich are undertaking a public consultation for a walking, cycling, and public realm scheme which they are proposing to deliver at the junction of Greenwich South Street, Blissett Street and Devonshire Drive.
You may have received consultation documents (attached) which have been distributed to over 800 addresses around the junction, however, any resident or business can respond to this consultation by visiting:     
The scheme’s objectives are to:

  • Improve the facilities for pedestrians and cyclists wishing to cross Greenwich South Street
  • Reduce the speed of vehicles travelling through the junction to improve safety
  • Improve the public realm with addition of trees, wider footways, and use of high quality materials

What are the proposed improvements?

  • Relocation of existing zebra crossing on Greenwich South Street. The crossing will be closer to the junction and therefore the desire line of pedestrians
  • Addition of a parallel crossing allowing cyclists to cross safely too
  • Raised entries on Blissett Street and Devonshire Drive to reduce vehicle speeds and improve crossing facilities for pedestrians walking along Greenwich South Street
  • Addition of new trees to landscape the area and create an attractive space for users
  • Wider footways around the junction to improve the walking environment

The consultation will be open until Friday 25th January 2019 so we would be grateful to receive consultation responses by this date.
Council Officers will also host a drop-in session on Tuesday 8th January, 6-8pm @ Jubilee Hall, Blissett Street, SE10 8UU to answer any questions you may have about the proposals.
Consultation document and questions are here. Detailed drawing is here.

Please note that this proposal is not a traffic management scheme and does not propose any changes to local access for vehicles

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Do you know this person?

Do you recognise this person? Police are interested in talking to this individual in connection with a few recent incidents. He has been spotted acting suspiciously along Langdale Road.  If you have any information as to the identity please either contact me here or call our Safer Neighbourhood Police Team. Thank you for your co-operation.

Telephone: (020) 8284 5494 (not 24 hour service)

Tina Pugh

Monday, 17 December 2018

More crime to report

It is with regret to announce there was another burglary in Ashburnham Grove on the evening / early hours of the morning on 13th/14th December. Entry was again through the bottom sash window.

Today, there has been various crimes around the Triangle, including damage and theft from a car in Catherine Grove and an attempted house break-in, again in Catherine Grove.

During the last few days there has been a rapid increase in the theft from cars, particularly Ashburnham Place and the theft of a motor vehicle has also been reported.

I cannot emphasise the importance that you action all security advice offered over the last few weeks.

  • Don't leave anything on show in your vehicle - cars have been broken into for as little as 50p.
  • For keyless cars, don't leave your car key fob near the front door or window. For added security put your keys in a metal tin or signal blocking pouch.
  • Make sure all windows and doors have sufficient locks.
  • Make your property visible from the pavement - cut back tall hedges.
  • Install security lighting - the darker and more concealed your property is the more of a target you will be.

Tina Pugh

Thursday, 13 December 2018

New Security Sign for the Triangle

Over the next week you will see a new security sign displayed throughout the Triangle. These signs have been made to try and deter the increase in crime. HOWEVER, these new signs will only work if we, as residents, all work together.

Car Key Signal Blocking Pouch

  • fit window locks - especially basement sash windows
  • double lock your front door at night and when you leave the property 
  • cut down all those high bushes/trees so your property is visible
  • don’t leave keys near your front door or window especially car keys. Keyless car crime is particularly high. Criminals scout the area for high spec vehicles. Keep your keys in a metal tin or a Faraday pouch so the key signal cannot be tampered with from outside on a remote terminal.
  • don’t ignore your neighbours house or car alarm if it goes off
  • if someone looks suspicious, report it.  If you see someone tampering with a car/bike or acting suspicious outside a house call 999.
I’m requesting for more volunteers to join our expanding security representative team. With more reps we can keep a proper lookout around the Triangle. We currently have reps in:
  • Ashburnham Place
  • Ashburnham Grove
  • Devonshire Drive Plymouth House
  • Devonshire Drive Barnstaple House
  • Egerton Drive
  • Blackheath Road
We just need you to keep watch on your particular road or block of flats. You don’t need to be at home all the time to join this team. Our aim is to have a rep on every road and block of flats within the Triangle. Can you help? For more details please email:

Tina Pugh

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Saturday Christmas Singalong

Our New Capital Quay neighbours have kindly invited Ashburnham Triangle residents to join them for a Christmas Singalong on Saturday, December 15th outside the Costa next to Waitrose at 5pm.

Friday, 7 December 2018

London Pantomime Horse Race

The ever-popular London Pantomime Horse Race hits Greenwich on Sunday, December 16th, raising money for charity with a few entries from triangle residents.
The pre-race ceremony and subsequent race is always a great fun spectacle and is raising money this year for 'YouCan - Youth Cancer Support' - the team at ‘YouCan’ provide essential support and care for children and young adults with cancer and those who are in remission.
Full  details of the event can be found at

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Christmas Late Market

Greenwich Market's Late Night Wednesday Arts & Crafts Gift Market will take place on 5th, 12th and 19th December from 11am to 8pm. It's the perfect place to find those unique gifts together with delicious street food, music and mulled wine.
And don't forget Santa's Grotto at the Market, every weekend in December plus Thursday 20th, Friday 21st and Christmas Eve. Visiting Santa costs £5 per child, raising funds for Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice. 

Christmas at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Residents of the Ashburnham Triangle are invited to the annual Christmas Carol Service and Nativity play on Saturday 22nd December 2018 at 4.30pm at the Greenwich Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Devonshire Drive, Greenwich.

This year the service will feature the children's choir who will be giving a special rendition of "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen. The church is also inviting the children from in and around the Triangle to join the choir in performing this song (practice dates are:Saturday 15th December 2018 4.30pm and Friday, 21st December 2018 at 5pm).

The Nativity play will explore the deeper meaning behind Christmas and will showcase talented individuals from among our congregation. There will be canapé’s and other refreshments available before and after the programme. For further information please email or call Dariann on 07956 699901.

Monday, 3 December 2018

Opening up Deptford Creek

Mick Delap needs the help of as many ATA members as possible to persuade Greenwich Planning authorities to do more to open up Deptford Creek to public access. Please support Mick by lodging an objection to the current planning application for a new block of flats on the Creek at Saxon Wharf - by this Friday, 7th December. Look up Planning Application 18/1594/F on the Greenwich Planning Search site, and follow instructions re making a comment. The developers promise they will create a Creekside pathway that's open to the public (and that what they build will enhance the historic and listed 19th century Greenwich Railway Bridge). Three other Creekside developments have already been completed. Not one of them has lived up to similar promises to open up their Creekside sites to the public, or enhance the Creek's historic heritage. Why should we believe this set of promises will be any different? For more information, see Mick's full note here. And if you can, let Mick know you have lodged an objection:

Thursday, 29 November 2018

The ATA campaign to unlock Deptford Creek to the public

As the big residential developments rise up along Deptford Creek, the Ashburnham Triangle Association's  Mick Delap has continued to campaign for Greenwich Council and the developers to live up to their promises and create a Creekside Pathway, to be at the heart of the new Creekside community and to benefit near neighbours like the Ashburnham Triangle residents.
More details of the campaign can be found by clicking this link: Unlock Deptford Creek

Father Christmas in his Grotto

Just a reminder that Father Christmas is returning to his grotto at Greenwich Market every weekend in December: 1st & 2nd, 8th & 9th, 15th & 16th and 22nd & 23rd.

Also open on Thursday 20th, Friday 21st and Christmas Eve!

Thursday to Saturday 12:30pm–5pm;
Sunday 12:30pm–4pm;
Christmas Eve 11am–3pm

All proceeds go to Greenwich and Bexley Community Hospice.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Burglary, Visibilty and Bushes

Unfortunately there has been another break-in, this time in Ashburnham Grove. Entry to the property was gained via the basement sash window and once again the property was hidden from the pavement by a very large hedge. 

There are many properties within the Triangle that have very mature overgrown shrubbery in the front garden. You may like privacy but so do burglars. Burglars don’t want to be seen or heard and if they think they’ll be noticed by a neighbour or passer-by then they’re likely to feel exposed and identifiable, which will probably make them move on. Overgrown bushes and trees makes it easier for a burglar to get close to a home and gain entry.

Keep it visible

Now is the perfect time to cut back all overgrown plants and make the front of your property visible from the pavement.

  • Lower fences, hedges and trees at the front of your property around one-metre high are preferable as they allow for a clear view over the top and don’t provide cover for anyone wishing to hide.
  • At the rear and sides, taller fencing is recommended to prevent easy access.
  • Trellis, thorny plants, or a suitable anti-climb topping such as plastic spikes make it difficult for anyone climbing over a fence or gate.
  • Planting prickly or barbed shrubbery along boundaries and fence lines acts as an effective natural barrier.
  • Gravel driveways and paths will make sure you hear anyone approach.

Targeting Valuables

if you have purchased high value items, make sure you collapse the box and place in the recyclable bin. Leaving large empty boxes next to your bin is just telling the opportunist thief what you have inside.

Remember, burglars will target properties where they know there will be items worth stealing inside. They may look for people posting about having new and/or expensive items on social media, may peer through your windows, and check for discarded boxes in your bins.

Don't have valuables on display or in view from windows, and don't openly advertise your expensive possessions. With Christmas approaching, I would advise not to display presents under the Christmas Tree and defiantly DO NOT have your tree and presents on view for a passer-by to see. Be also careful about posting on social media about the presents you received.

Tina Pugh

Friday, 9 November 2018

Burglary Alert - Did you see anything?

There was a burglary today, Friday 9th November, in Ashburnham Place. The burglar was disturbed and fled the house. They gained access via the basement sash window. Did you see anything around 12:55pm and 1pm today? Do you have CCTV cameras that may have filmed an individual rushing down Ashburnham Place or Ashburnham Retreat? Any information please contact me here or contact our Safer Neighbourhood Police - see below.

Unfortunately Crime in the Triangle is rising at an alarming rate with burglars being more bold and now entering homes via the front door. They are using a locksmith tool to easily open yale door locks. ALWAYS chubb lock your door, and bolt the door last thing at night. A burglar attempted to gain entry into a house in King George Street last week via the front door whilst the occupants were asleep in bed. There has been 6 burglaries in King George Street in the last month and 10 burglaries within the Triangle in the last 12 weeks.

Motor vehicle crimes is a continuing problem within the area with many car windows being smashed to steel items from within. I cannot reiterate enough the importance not to leave ANYTHING on display. If you are the unfortunate victim of car crime please report this to the police by calling 101.

Also, if you are a TSB customer, please be aware the ATM machines in the High Street have been tampered with known as a Lebanese Loop - see below.

Lebanese loop is a device used to commit fraud and identity theft by exploiting automated teller machines(ATMs). In its simplest form, it is a strip or sleeve of metal or plastic which blocks the ATM's card slot, causing any inserted card to be apparently retained by the machine, allowing it to be retrieved by the fraudster when the card holder leaves.

As crime is increasing I would like to request for volunteers to join the security team. Ideally we need a representative on each road and flats within the Triangle. I just need more eyes and ears to keep a look out and to actively report anything suspicious. Please contact me here if you are interested or for more information.

Greenwich Police Safer Neighbourhood Team
Tel: 020 8284 5494

Tina Pugh

Friday, 2 November 2018

Autumn bulb planting in the Triangle

On Saturday, November 10th at 11am the ATA Green Team will be meeting outside number 75 Ashburnham Grove and putting bulbs in there and then moving on to Barnstaple House
The more people the merrier .. even if you can only plant a few bulbs - please bring a trowel if you  have one ( we will have spares)
We have about 1000 daffodil bulbs to put in so all help welcome!

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Bogus Charity Callers.....BEWARE

On Sunday 28th October, our Safer Neighbourhood Police were notified of a woman going door to door requesting money for charity. It is believed this woman was not a legitimate charity worker. Was you visited by this person? Did you give any money? Our Safer Neighbourhood Team have requested that NO money should be given to charity callers that knock at your door. If you would like to donate to genuine charities, there are more secure ways to do it - see below.

How to check a charity’s genuine:

  • Ask to see the identification of the fundraiser if you are asked to make a donation in person. 
  • All legitimate charity fundraisers carry official identification when fundraising. Make sure you are satisfied the identification is genuine. 
  • All charities have to be registered with the Charity Commission. 
  • Don’t give out personal information and bank details to make a regular donation by Standing Order unless you are satisfied the person you are talking to is genuine. 
  • You can always phone the charity back on a known phone number published in the phone book or on the charity’s official website. 
If you have lost money to a fraud like this, contact Action Fraud.

Tina Pugh

Halloween in the Triangle

Tara MacNeill Veitch writes:
Following the success of the last seven years we are once again organising for children to be able to safely celebrate Halloween by trick or treating in the Ashburnham Triangle from 6 to 8pm.
Participation is of course absolutely voluntary. We do hope that your children would like to join in to trick or treat and, whether you have children or not, that you would like to give out sweets. For safety and hygiene please only give out wrapped or packaged sweets.
If you are interested, on Halloween night please place a pumpkin or sign by your front door or window so that the children know at which houses to stop, and so that anyone not interested in participating is not inconvenienced.

Friday, 19 October 2018

Thames Tideway Tunnel Development, Greenwich SE10

Many of our members may have recently received a letter from Royal Borough of Greenwich concerning the Thames Tideway Tunnel Development over on Norman Road and the proposals for vehicle routes and holding area’s during the initial excavation works. The ATA's Mick Delap has put together a briefing note regarding the project and detailed what the application concerns - click here for Mick's note.

For further information please also have a look at this short video:

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Forthcoming local arts events in West Greenwich

Andrew Chandler photography at the Library 

Last year Jonathan Chandler, Chairman of the Greenwich Society, and his brother Andrew, who is a professional photographer, spent over four months travelling all the way around the world documenting in photographs and in an on-line blog their experiences.
An exhibition of over 60 of Andrew's finest photographs, together with some extracts and observations by Jonathan is on display at the West Greenwich Library now until Saturday 20th October.
Framed and unframed prints are available to purchase as well as greeting cards of some of the photos.
Admission is FREE

Also at the Library on Tuesday 30 October you can hear Jan Fortune and Adam Craig of Cinnamon read from their latest works of fiction; Jan's A Remedy for all Things and Adam's In Dreams the Minotaur Appears Last. Please come along to support these independent publishers and authors.
West Greenwich Library, 7 for 7.30, Free.

Also, online booking on is open for Graham Fawcett's next lecture/performance on Anna Akhmatova, with the wonderful Susan Aldred as second reading voice. Tuesday, November 13 (6.45 for 7) at The Treehouse, Greenwich Tavern. More details on

Finally, the ATA's own local novelist Neil Bailey has a new book out, a ghost story set locally and published just in time for the dark winter evenings and Halloween. The Woman At Twenty-six is available on Amazon and you can check out this and Neil's other novels by clicking this link.

News on the Lenox Project

The Lenox Project, which was founded in 2011, is a charity which intends to build and launch a full-size replica of the Lenox, a state-of-the-art naval ship that was built in 1678 in Deptford and was the first of Charles II’s thirty ships. Find out more about this fascinating project by clicking this link:

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Tommy's Wave of Light

One of the charities the Ashburnham Triangle are proud to support this year is Tommy's. Tommy's is the largest charity funding research into the causes of miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth which one in four women will suffer from. They also provide pregnancy health information to parents-to-be to help them have a healthy pregnancy and baby.

You can read more about what Tommy's believe here.

Each year, from 9th to 15th October, Tommy's promotes Baby Loss Awareness Week, with the 15th October promoting Wave of Light. 

Wave of Light is an opportunity to join with bereaved parents, families and friends around the globe to commemorate all babies who sadly died too soon. ... To join the global 'Wave of Light', simply light a candle at 7pm on 15 October and leave it burning for at least one hour. 

Join us in #BreakingTheSilence this #BLAW2018 in memory of all babies lost during pregnancy or after birth. You are not alone. Learn more about what Tommy's is doing this Baby Loss Awareness Week.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Police Meet Update

A huge Thank You to Henry Lawton, our dedicated PCSO, who attended the Police Meet last Saturday. Despite the pouring rain, the meeting was held inside the Ashburnham Arms with valuable advice being passed onto residents. Below are some of the issues that were raised:
No Entry junction on Devonshire Drive
All types of vehicles continue to ignore the One Way sign and drive in the wrong direction, especially if Greenwich High Road is heavily congestedPolice do randomly monitor this junction and fine any vehicle driving through the one way entry but they obviously cannot be present the whole time. CCTV has been suggested but at the moment the cost is an issue which the council cannot meet. This is an ongoing problem which we all need to monitor.

Increase in Burglaries
Unfortunately the police have reported an increase in burglaries within the Greenwich West area. Within the Triangle in the last two weeks opportunist burglars have once again tried to gain entry via open windows - which was a huge problem during the summer months. With Christmas approaching we are expecting a rise in attempted break-ins. The current method of entry is through vulnerable basement sash windows. Burglars have been scouting the area, with one resident noticing suspicious behaviour of two white males only last week, whereby they were specifically looking at each basement window in Devonshire Drive, perhaps to see if any would be easy to break into.  Remember, if you see ANYTHING that looks suspicious, phone 999 - you could be stopping an attempted burglary.

Increase in Antisocial Behaviour
I’ve recently been alerted to two seperate issues of antisocial behaviour which includes all night parties, loud music and drug taking. This type of behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. The police and council have been informed and they are currently being dealt with. 

The squatters in the old Probation building - 39 Greenwich High Road - have recently being causing a disturbance with increased noise and mess. An eviction noticed has been served and bailiffs will be evicting all squatters on Friday 12 October.


Police are appealing for information after 26-year-old man was shot in Greenwich

Slightly outside the Triangle, but on Monday this week, 8th October, officers attended Old Pearson Street at the junction with Randall Place, SE10, at approximately 08:30hrs to reports of shots being fired.

A short while later a man with a gunshot injury presented himself at a hospital, where he currently remains. His condition is described as non life-threatening or life changing.

This incident took place close to James Wolfe Primary School. At this stage police believe that the incident was unconnected to the school or anyone at the school. Nobody else was injured.

Police are asking for anyone who witnessed or has information regarding the incident to contact telephone number 101 (quote reference: CAD 1483/08OCT18).

To give information anonymously contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or online at

Remember, if you see anything suspicious call 999 immediately.

For non emergency call 101 or contact our Safer Neighbourhoold Team:
Tel: 0208 284 5494

Tina Pugh

Thursday, 4 October 2018

REMINDER - Police Street Meet this Saturday

Just a reminder about this Saturday's Police Street Meet which will take place in Ashburnham Retreat (Play Street) or inside the Ashburnham Arms if it rains - which unfortunately may be the case this weekend.  Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Bombs, Bowie and bangers!

Interested in Triangle local history?  Want to contribute?  The ATA Local History Group is meeting THIS THURSDAY, 4th OCTOBER,  in the Ashburnham Arms, at 8pm.
We want YOU to write your own page(s) as part of the three projects we are proposing:
A.  Who has lived in my house since it was built?  And what have they got up to?
B. Who should get an ATA plaque (David Bowie or Edward Butler?? -  for instance.)
C.  What are the Triangle's MOST HORRIBLE HISTORIES???
We need new stories - so bring what you have already discovered. We all need new skills - and will be discussing how to acquire them (including arranging a visit to the local archives). We need to choose which of the three projects to concentrate on. And we very definitely need new members. So do come - and if you are interested, but can't make it this Thursday, please email Mick Delap (, saying which of the three projects you would choose.
Mick will also be giving a brief update on his ongoing campaign to create a Creekside Pathway that will access both the regenerated Deptford Creek, and its remarkable 19th Century industrial history.  If you want to be kept informed of progress, please tell Mick.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Write your own page in the history of the Triangle - your chance to take part

The Ashburnham Triangle History Group (so far that's mainly Tom Webb and Mick Delap) have made the work of Triangle historians Diana Rimel and Richard Cheffins available on the Triangle web site. Now they want to recruit other interested Triangle residents to develop this core material into a series of Triangle stories - more web friendly, AND with new input from Triangle residents. They have chosen three possible projects. Now they want to meet with budding - or active - Triangle historians - on Thursday, 4th October, at 7.30 in the Ashburnham Arms - to discuss which of these projects to focus on.
The three Triangle projects are:
A. Who has lived in my house (or neighbourhood) since it was built? With specialist help from experienced local historians about sources etc). Including an ATA visit to the local archives this October or November.
B. Who are the Triangle's most famous and most interesting former inhabitants? And which of them deserves an ATA plaque on the house they lived or worked in? (David Bowie, for instance, who crafted many of his Ziggy Stardust breakthrough elements here in the Triangle. Or Edward Butler, who has a good claim to have built the world's first motor vehicle here in the Triangle, where he lived - in Ashburnham Grove - and worked - on Greenwich High Road. Or all the others.)
C. What Horrible Triangle Histories could we develop from what we know - to petrify, or enchant, a new generation of local historians, whether at home, or at school? 
There's also the latest on Mick Delap's ongoing campaign for a Creekside Pathway that will access both today's regenerated Deptford Creek AND its remarkable 19th century industrial history.
Which would YOU choose to contribute to? Come to a History Group get together at the Ashburnham Arms on Thursday October 4th at 7.30 p.m.
The History Group needs new members. So if you can't make it to the Ash, but want to take part or be kept informed, please email Mick Delap - If possible please indicate which of the three proposals, A, B or C, you are interested in. And if you already have interesting information about any aspect of Triangle history you would like to share, please mention that too.

Monday, 24 September 2018

Greenwich Open Studios 2018

Greenwich Open Studios will be exhibiting from the 1st-14th October at the Greenwich Gallery on the corner of Peyton Place (off Royal Hill).  People can expect a wide and glowing variety of paintings, prints, photos and drawings- in fact a mini Royal Academy type summer show.

There will be a Meet the Artist celebration at the Gallery on Thursday 4th October from 7:00pm.

Saturday, 15 September 2018

Scam Alert - Fake Netflix Emails

ActionFraud have reported an increase in reports about fake Netflix emails. The emails claim there’s an issue with your account, or that your account has been suspended and that you need to “update” your account details in order to resolve the problem. The link in the emails leads to genuine-looking Netflix phishing websites designed to steal your username and password, as well as payment details.

Always question unsolicited requests for your personal or financial information in case it’s a scam. Never automatically click on a link in an unexpected email or text.

For more information on how to stay secure online, visit 

Tina Pugh

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Street Party 2018 Music lineup announced

This year we are excited to have live music for Street Party. Please see below the music schedule so you won’t miss your favourites - 

13:00-13:15 Greenwich Children’s Drum Corp 
13:25-14:00 Music from the Village Church
14:00-14:25 Boppin Bunnies
14:35-16:00 Harold Fergus 
16:15-18:00  ABBA Chique 

Kicking off the start this year with be the GREENWICH CHILDREN’S DRUM CORP from Greenwich Seventh Day Adventist Church. The drummers attend Greenwich Seventh Day Adventist Church and are part of Greenwich Pathfinder Club, a wonderful church-centered recreational activity program designed for young children ages 3 to 16 years old.  Pathfindering appeals to this age group, because its program features activities that meet their needs and interests.  Much of the pathfinder program is built around physical action.  Adventure, challenge, group activities and provide opportunities for the development of new attitudes and skills that produce personal growth, team or community spirit and a sense of respect.The instruments will consist of one bass drum, snare drums, tenor drum and cymbals and will be thrilling for all!

BOPPIN’ BUNNIES will be performing interactive music class for our children this year. Boppin’ Bunnies is a long-time fixture in the AT having run courses out at St Marks and the West Greenwich Centre now for over a decade. Their classes are designed using the key aspects from the Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum, helping reinforce the child’s communication, language and literacy skills alongside their personal, social, emotional, mathematical, physical and creative development. They were recently the winner of the prestigious 'What’s On 4 Little Ones' award.

Joining us again this year is the HAROLD FERUS BAND. Greenwich locals the Harold Fergus Band are influenced by The Beatles, America, John Martyn and Oasis. Their music is a blend of melodic pop & folk, with their gentle niche being the way they blend catchy hooks with traditional folk. The music makes for easy listening whether you are being lulled by one of the bands original songs or by a unique cover of a classic hit. 

The most exciting addition to this year’s party is our showcase band ABBA CHIQUE, London’s best loved ABBA tribute band. Their costumes and sound are fantastic and sure to be a hit with children and adults alike. Since 2009 the band have been performing sell-out ABBA tribute shows all over the UK and various locations abroad. Want a preview? Please look at Abba Chique’s website for photos and videos: 

Safer Neighbourhoods Update

There was a Safer Neighbourhood Panel meeting last Thursday whereby the police gave an update to various incidents within Greenwich West Ward as follows:

Saturday 25th August - Stabbing at 23:42
Police were called to a report of a man found unresponsive in Creek Road Junction with Deptford Church Street, SE8. Officers and the Ambulance Service attended and established that the male had suffered stab injuries. He was sadly pronounced dead at 00:40hrs on Sunday 26th August.

The victim has now been identified as Shevaun Sorrell, 22 from Deptford. A post-mortem took place on 29th August and gave the cause of death as a stab wound to the chest.

The Homicide and Major Crime Command are leading the investigation. Dana Powell, 27, of Deptford, was charged on the evening of Wednesday, 5 September and was appearing before the magistrates court last Thursday 6 September.

Friday 25 May - Attempted Murder (shooting) Meridian Estate
A suspect has been arrested and charged and remanded for the following offences:
Attempted murder; possession of a firearm with intent to endager life on 8th July 2018; possesion of firearm with intent to endager life on 25th May 2018; possession of a firearm when prohibited for 5 years; possession with intent to supply Class A Cocaine; possession with intent to supply Class A Heroin.

Thursday 31st May 2018 - Stabbing
Stabbing at Creek Road/Copperas Street. This case is closed as victim unwilling to cooperate.

Saturday 2nd June 2018 - Stabbing
Stabbing at Claremount Street. This case is closed as victim unwilling to cooperate.

Within the Triangle, unfortunately car crime is still high, especially the theft of bicyles and mopeds. Also theft from cars continues. Recently a set of golf clubs were stolen from a car in Ashburnham Grove. I can only reitterate the importance of not leaving ANYTHING of value in your car at ANYTIME.

Signal-blocking pouche

Keyless car crime is also on the rise. Thieves tend to scout an area looking for high tech vehicles. Remember to keep your key fob away from doors or windows to minimise the chances of a thief to find and amplify the car key's signal. To block signals keep your keys in a metal tin or consider purchasing a Faraday signal-blocking pouch.

There were 6 reported incidents of burglary within the Triangle from July to September. Many of these burglaries were due to windows being left open in the hot weather.

Date for your diary

Saturday 6th October will be the next Ashburnham Triangle Police Street Meet between 3pm-4pm. Drop by anytime to meet PCSO Henry Lawton to discuss any issues or concerns. The drop-in will take place in Ashburnham Retreat/Play Street, next to the Ashuburham Arms.

For your information, attached are the minutes of the previous Safer Neighbourhood Panel meeting held on 5th July. Please click here to view them.

Tina Pugh