Thursday, 26 May 2022

Celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee

On June 5th from 12 noon to 1:30pm St Mark's Church on Greenwich South Street invites all friends and neighbours for coffee, tea and cake to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee. If the weather permits the celebrations will be outdoors. All welcome.

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

The Greenwich swifts are back

Greenwich Swifts are back on their nests above Davy’s Wine Store on Greenwich High Road. To see these amazing fliers over the next twelve weeks that they are with us (before they scoot off back to southern Africa for the winter) all you have to do is to head off to where Langdale Road meets Greenwich High Road  (or, just as good, look over the wall of Greenwich Station’s Platform 2 towards Davy’s while you are waiting for a London train). If you are lucky, sometime in the next ten minutes or so there’ll be a party of swifts screaming over head,  or a more discreet individual slipping in or out of one of the nests under Davy’s Wine Store eaves, where the next generation of these endangered birds are being nurtured. For a bit more about our Greenwich swifts and how the ATA is supporting them, see Mick Delap’s new piece on the ATA web site.

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday Bin Collections

There are revised collection dates for our waste and recycling bins for the Platinum Jubilee bank holiday.  

The Platinum Jubilee brings with it two extra bank holidays on the 2 and 3 June. 

All collections due to take place between Monday 30 May – Friday 3 June will take place two days earlier than normal, so the Triangle's collections will be on Saturday 28 May rather than the following Monday. Please make sure you put your bins out ready for our crews by 6am on the day of collection. 

As there will be fewer crews black and green top bins will be prioritised and blue top bins may be left until the following week.  

Normal collections will resume Monday 6 June. 

Friday, 13 May 2022

Safer Neighbourhoods May update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met in person on Thursday 12th May. Below is a summary of that meeting: 

Within the Triangle 

Burglaries have fallen but vehicle crime has risen with both theft from vehicles and interference with vehicles. Please continue to ensure that you leave nothing of value your car and ensure that it is locked securely.   

If you do actually see anyone attempting car doors etc, please call 999 immediately. In addition, if you have any CCTV or Ring footage, please send it to police.

Greenwich Town centre 

There was a murder outside SE train station and a suspect has been arrested. Police reassurance patrols have been conducted.

Bike thieves continue to be an issue. 


ATA Security / Police Liaison  


Emergency dial 999  

Non Emergency dial 101  

Greenwich Safer Neighbourhood Team: 020 8284 5494 (not 24 hour)  
