Monday, 30 October 2017

Probably last pix of the 2017 street party

Peter, Caroline and Alison look happy running the plant stall, as they usually do

Time for a pint: the young woman in the hat, then (from left) Tom, Nick and Julian

Ash Arms cricket captain Richard looks pensive over his pint

Tom, infrastructure king; Lee, face painting and children's crafts
(Infrastructure = positioning and putting-up of street party structures and electricals) 

Three generations veering towards the cakes: Susan (left) with little Elsie and her auntie Harriet
Another three generations: ATA vice-chair Robin with Martha and Eleni,
 while their mother, Andry, comes out of the pub gate 

Bobby with a bike: PC John Moody with ATA security rep and dog show organiser, Tina 

Clare Portman and Jo Honey, in splendid voice as ever

We loved the Harold Fergus Band singing us out: Lucy on harp, and Harold

Friday, 27 October 2017

Graham Fawcett's WH Auden night, November 1st

Irena Hill says: 
Graham Fawcett's Auden lecture/performance is next Wednesday, November 1st at 7pm (please arrive at 6.45) at the lovely Crypt of St Margaret's Church in Lee Terrace (entrance on Brandram Road)
Tickets (£12.50) on and at the door on the night.

Graham Fawcett says:

Dear Friends
Our 2017-2018 season of poetry nights launches again with Auden Night on the first of November. 

W H Auden was a giant among poets of his generation, a master-craftsman of metrical rhythms you can feel running like Swiss clockwork through his verse lines, and a wonderfully adventurous organist of the English language. Nourished by his Pennines childhood and the treasures of Anglo-Saxon and Middle English, traveller to Iceland, China, Spain and Berlin, close-quarters commentator on politics, religion, philosophy, art and human relations, Auden translated his gifted perceptions into some of the finest and most substantial poems England and the world have ever seen.

“Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but
among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh”. 
“Some books are undeservedly forgotten; none are undeservedly remembered.” 
“Some writers confuse authenticity, which they ought always to aim at, with originality, which they should never bother about”.  
“When I am in the company of scientists, I feel like a shabby curate who has strayed by mistake into a drawing room full of dukes”. 

I saw Auden read four times; went, like most of the rest of his Oxford Union audience, to the pub with him after his reading that night; and will tell you more about those occasions when we meet.

Do come if you can ! It is recommended that tickets be booked in advance.

All best wishes

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Trick or treating in the Ashburnham Triangle

Tuesday 31st October, 6pm - 8pm
Following the great success of the last eight years we are once again organising for our children to be able to safely celebrate Halloween by trick or treating in the Ashburnham Triangle.
Participation is of course absolutely voluntary. If you are interested, on Halloween night please place the image above on your front door or window so that the children know at which houses to stop, and so that anyone not interested in participating is not inconvenienced. Or of course a jack-o-lantern would be even better!
For safety and hygiene may we kindly request that you please only give out wrapped or packaged sweets.
Happy Halloween!
posted by Tara MacNeil Veitch on the ATA Facebook page

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Saxon Wharf, Norman Road Public Exhibition

ATA members are invited to a public exhibition on developer proposals for 46 - 52 Norman Road - one of the existing sites on Norman Road which is currently occupied by a skip company. Two exhibitions are being held between 4pm and 8pm on Monday 30th October and Tuesday 31st October at the Gallery, West Greenwich Community & Arts Centre, Lovibond Lane, SE10 8JA.

Members are encouraged to attend to view the proposals and comment on the changing landscape, albeit outside of the Triangle.

Monday, 23 October 2017

Penultimate pix of 2017 party

Thumbs up for Jenny and for making paper animals 

Miew-Cheng (left) and Ceri take a break between shifts on crafts

Teenage input: Amelie on the craft stall

Clay modelling at the South Street Baptists' stall 

William and Oliver and their cousins guessing the weight of the cake made by Mary (left) 

Baby Edie joins Barbara on the raffle stall, while Janet sells tickets and Mary takes cake-weight guesses

ATA chair Chris (left) oversees the blindfold bashing of the piñata. Tom times the turns

And when the donkey's down, it's all-dive-in for the sweets that spill out

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Charity Bingo Night at The Ashburnham Arms

Come and join the fun at The Ashburnham Arms on Thursday 7th December for the first Bingo Night. Great prizes to be won! All proceeds raised to support Tommy's - Registered charity no 1060508 and SC039280 

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Face painting at the 2017 street party

Scary wary
Frances grew up in the Triangle and comes back every year bringing friends to paint faces

Lee used to live in the Triangle. She too has been returning to paint faces for years

Now we also have painters who live here: Anastasia (right) and Rebeca

Triangle teenagers are joining in. This is Anna

Painting little nails too. This is Millie

Sometimes painting each other

It's a happy stall

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Neighbourhood Watch Meeting 20th October 7 - 9pm

Hello Everyone

Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Police Team would like to invite you to a Neighbourhood Watch  Meeting on Friday 20th October 2017, 7 - 9pm at Creek Hall, New Haddo, 29 Tarves Way, Greenwich SE10 9JU.

This event will give you an opportunity to discuss local crime issues directly with the police.

Tina Gibbons from Royal Borough of Greenwich Trading Standards will also be giving a talk on scams, doorstep crime and bogus callers, a common problem here in the Triangle area. This talk was also given at the highly successful NHW Conference in June of this year.

Neighbourhood watch is absolutely vital to combat crime. Greenwich West has a number of active neighbourhood watches, with excellent relationships with the Police local team.

This meeting is open to anyone who is interested in Neighbourhood Watch or is a Neighbourhood Watch Member in Greenwich West. You can just turn up on the day. The room has capacity for 90 people so you are advised to arrive early or on time as it's first come first served. We hope to see many of you there.

David Scales/Tina Pugh
Security Hub

Sunday, 8 October 2017

2017 street party - photos from the food stall

Adam said he enjoyed serving on the food stall - for the whole six hours

Lysanne (left) nearly always does six hours - very happily. Vicky is concentrating
Vicky's partner, Cllr Mehboob Khan, is concentrating too
But now they're just being silly!
Cllr Maureen O'Mara helps Frances choose from the cakes. Sara helps unpack
ATA treasurer Annabel is happy. She sourced all those cakes 
Stuart, bread maker extraordinaire, is happy too
Cllr Aidan Smith is unfazed by a small conflagration
Jo, who sourced most of the food, doesn't look quite so sure. Nor does Lysanne
That was nothing to what came later, but are they bovvered?!
(From left) Ash publican Andy, Chad, and Adam 
Hot dog supper at the planter for (from left) Jesse, Isla and Toby

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Some street party and dog show images

Here are a dozen photos from the 2017 street party. More another day.

Lots of people came
Bouncing's always good

When the music stops, sit!
Adam miraculously found something different to say about every hound

Clapping’s fine, but where’s my titbit?
Leg up everyone!
The judge considers Vinny, left, and Dexter
The climbing wall was stunted by kaput capacitors
Still worth queuing to climb up the wall's lower section
Still scary for some - coming off now

The baby wall was fine

Rosemary and Ann with their embroidery of The Marriage at Canaa/Greenwich, from St Alfege's Church