Sunday 30 July 2017

Public Council Planning Meeting Tuesday 1st August

The planning proposal for a large apartment block on the south side at 64-68 Blackheath Road is being discussed at the planning meeting on Tuesday 1 August at 6.30pm at Rooms 4 & 5, Town Hall, Wellington Street, Woolwich SE18 6PW.

The meeting is open to members of the public, who can also speak for 2 minutes if they ask in advance. 020 8921 6160

ITEM: J MUIR & CO (Bookbinders) Ltd, 64-68 Blackheath Road, Greenwich, SE10 8DA (16/1010/F) 
REPORT AUTHOR: Ben Oates, Senior Principal Planner Tel: 020 8921 2106

Saturday 29 July 2017

In-words poetry from Istanbul, Aug 1st

Rana Abdulfattah

Tuesday August 1st, 7 for 7.30pm
West Greenwich Library
Greenwich High Road, SE10 8NN

Launch of Tiger and Clay
Syrian author Rana Abdulfattah will read for us on a Skype connection from Istanbul where she is living in exile

In collaboration with Palewell Press and co-hosted by Spanish film maker Juan del Gado

Meze provided by Abdullah, the Damascus Chef

FREE entry, but please book on eventbright 
There will be a voluntary donation box for a Syrian charity.

Monday 24 July 2017

Latest Safer Neighbourhoods News

We hope this news alert finds you well now that the Summer holidays are upon us. At our latest July Safer Neighbourhoods meeting, the Police reported a small increase in residential burglaries in Greenwich West including five in the Triangle, mainly affecting Greenwich High Road and Blackheath Road from April - July 2017.

Our 'Beat the Burglar' leaflet has now been added to the publications and archive tab of the website. So if you are new to the area or mislaid your copy, you can read our top crime prevention  tips for keeping your home safe and secure. The figures for motor vehicle crime for the same period are still high with ten thefts recorded. These include the taking of a motor vehicle and theft from a motor vehicle.  We are working with the Police on a new leaflet on car, moped and bike crime for distribution later this autumn in order to address this issue.

There have been complaints of noise nuisance from a pub in Greenwich High Road near to the DLR station. Residents affected are advised to log dates and times of the noise, how long it lasts and how it affects you. This will help build up evidence and you can report incidents to the Council's Noise Team on 020 8921 8921.  Night time drug dealing has been seen in cars stopping at the end of Egerton Drive by the no entry gate with Greenwich High road. If you see anything suspicious, note the car registration numbers when it is safe to do so and email the details to the Police  

Image result for neighbourhood watch logo
Neighbourhood Watch Conference

Security Hub Representative David Scales fedback to the meeting a brief report on the highly successful June 17th borough-wide NHW Conference held in Woolwich and organised by the Safer Greenwich Project in partnership with the Safer Neighbourhoods Police. Over fifty people, mainly NHW Coordinators attended. There were various short talks including an excellent presentation given by Trading Standards on scams, doorstep crime and bogus callers. We are arranging with the Safer Neighbourhoods Police for the same presentation to be given in October along with a drop-in where residents can discuss any policing related matters, keep an eye on our website for further details.

The key action points from the conference were around more funding for establishing and maintaining NHW schemes, improved information resources on crime prevention and better communication between NHW Coordinators and Safer Neighbourhoods Panels. If you would like to get involved or find out more about Neighbourhood Watch then please contact us. We are now trialling a new generic email address for Security so would welcome your comments on this or any other issues to

The minutes of the 27th April local Safer Neighbourhoods panel meeting can be found here.

Graffiti Watch

There has been a spate of tags along Greenwich South Street recently with the letters HBS daubed over buildings and shop fronts. We are very fortunate these defacements were removed so promptly thanks to the efforts of the Council's graffiti team led by Paul Knight, who welcomes contact from residents. If you see any unsightly incidents of graffiti you can email them to Paul at   

David Scales/Tina Pugh
Security Hub

Saturday 22 July 2017

In-words poetry Wed July 26: DH Lawrence

Graham Fawcett's lecture performance on DH Lawrence, poet
Wednesday July 26, 6.45 for 7pm
The Crypt, St Margaret's Church, Lee Terrace SE13 5DL.
Entrance in Brandram Road. Park in the car park there or in the church forecourt.
Irena Hill says, 'This is a new venue for me, chosen because it's quiet, airy and comfortable. Do come!'
£12.50 online from or at the door. Irena says, 'If you have any difficulties booking this way, do drop me an email' irena.mh50@gmail.comRefreshments (donations welcome).

Graham Fawcett says:

World Poets Series 2017 England and Wales Tour
This evening is for all of you who read and love poetry, whether or not you have yet discovered D H Lawrence as a poet and not just the author of Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow and other novels.

If you have ever read a poem by him, then it may well have been ‘Piano’, the unforgettable early portrait, in word, picture and sound, of Lawrence remembering a woman playing a piano; or maybe ‘Snake’, the intensely relived-moment drama of seeing a snake in Sicily.

Or, perhaps, ‘Bavarian Gentians’, the extraordinary late poem – one of his finest - which takes the flowers and runs with them into the underworld lives of Persephone and Pluto as though to do so were the most natural thing in the world, implicit in the flower.

But then Lawrence, who called his 1920-23 collection Birds, Beasts and Flowers, was eminently a poet of nature (among many who came after, Hughes and Plath admired him for it), but also of so much more. D H Lawrence, Poet will take up the story of just how much!

“Graham Fawcett’s unique style of performance, honed by his years as a broadcaster on BBC Radio 3, informs while entertaining and enriching”. (Anna Powell, West Bay, Dorset)

“A most enjoyable and enlightening lecture. During the evening, I wondered if the snake was really there.” (Member of the audience at D H Lawrence Night in Farnham)

Friday 21 July 2017

New logo for the Ashburnham Triangle Association

The Ashburnham Triangle Association is pleased to introduce our new logo, a clearer and bolder design that will appear on our website and posters over the coming weeks and months.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Time of Wednesday's Council meeting re community garden

Photo: Tony Othen
The full Greenwich Council meeting this evening where the fate of the community garden at the bottom of Royal Hill will be decided starts at 7pm. However as the garden is the 14th item on the agenda, there's no need to arrive before 8pm.
Photo: Neil Sinclair

The meeting will be in Woolwich Town Hall, Wellington Street, SE18 6PW.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Safer Neighbourhood Panel Meeting Thursday 20th July

There will be a Safer Neighbourhood Panel Meeting this Thursday 20th July, which involves local police, councillors and other Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators. The ATA Security Representatives will be attending this meeting. If there are any issues or concerns you have within the Triangle then please let us know so we can mention them at the meeting on your behalf.

Tina Pugh
Security Hub

Monday 17 July 2017

Community Garden needs support Wednesday evening

Town Hall, Wellington Street
The fate of the Royal Hill Community Garden is to be decided at a full Greenwich Council meeting on Wednesday evening, 19th July.

Mehboob Khan, one of our ward councillors, will speak for the petition that the Community Garden be allowed to continue, as an environmental and community asset.

The more supporters there are in the public gallery for the petition, the better chance it stands.

Tony Othen, who founded the garden when the police no longer needed the space for a car park, submitted this petition in March this year with 891 signatures. Tony and many other gardeners have turned this piece of rough land into an inviting, green and lovely spot for all of us to use.

The meeting will be at Woolwich Town Hall, Wellington Street, SE18 6PW.
020 8921 5009.  020 8854 8888. 020 89216427.

Enter through the front door (pictured) and the porter will tell you where the council meeting is - most likely up the stairs past the statue of Queen Victoria.

I can't find out from the Greenwich Borough website what time the meeting starts, but presumably one of the phone numbers above will yield that information during office hours. And Tony Othen recommends getting there at about 8pm.

Thursday 13 July 2017

Find Triangle history talk on ATA website

Part of the poster advertising Mick's talk
If you missed Mick Delap's June talk on Triangle history highlights, you can find it on the ATA website, alongside the pictures shown then by Tom Webb. Access it by pressing the History button on the Home page.

You will also find there:
* Richard Cheffins' research notes on which Mick's talk was based. The Google docs version is searchable by place, by type of fact, and by tag. You can also download and open it locally in MS Excel.
* Diana Rimel's booklet on Triangle history as a pdf document.
* A link to individually donated historical photos of Greenwich. 

One of Tom's pictures for Mick's talk
The ATA history archive is for everyone to contribute to, if they'd like to, if they have any facts, pictures or stories about the past. Email Mick at or Tom at

At the street party on September 16th we are hoping to display all pictures collected so far. It would need a presence there, which unfortunately can't be either Mick or Tom. If a few people would step in for an hour each, to look after the pictures, they would have an easy gig - get in a pint before you start...  If you could handle that, let Tom or Mick know.

Monday 10 July 2017

House of Colour joins the ATA Discount Card Scheme

The style and beauty consultancy House of Colour has become the latest business to join our Discount Card Scheme.
Holders of the ATA residents’ discount card can claim a 15% discount on colour and nutritional therapy consultations from House of Colour ‘s Greenwich, Blackheath and Canary Wharf/Docklands franchise.
The business is operated by Triangle resident and House of Colour consultant stylist Emilie West.
She offers both individual and group classes.
For further details and to book your session at a special discount price please click on this link:

Sunday 9 July 2017

Poetry from In-words, Tuesday July 11th in the library

Irena Hill writes:

This coming Tuesday, July 11, Graham High, Sally Festing, Wendy Klein and Peter Wallis will perform their 4X4 poetry and images piece before taking it to other venues outside London.

Doors open at 7 for a 7.30 start. West Greenwich Library, SE10 8NN. FREE.

Saturday 8 July 2017

Beware, bogus callers in the area

It has come to our attention that bogus callers are once again operating within the Ashburnham Triangle, pretending to be from a utility company to read gas/electric meters. Our local Safer Neighbourhood Police Team have been alerted but please be extra vigilant when answering your door. If the caller requests to read your meters ask which company they are from and check their ID. The bogus caller on this occasion said he was from ABC which doesn't exist, but he still gained access to a residents home.

Remember, when a stranger calls and BEFORE you open your front door:

  • Do use your door viewer, or look through your front window to see who is there.
  • Do always be cautious about any unknown man, woman or child who comes to your door, without arranging it with you first.
  • Don't ever let anyone into your home unless they are someone you know and trust. You do not have to let them in and they must leave if you ask them to.
  • Do always ask anyone claiming to be from a utility company for ID and ask to see it.  Make sure YOU know who your utility company is.
  • Keep the door closed or use the door chain while you check it thoroughly and call their head office if you feel unsure. Be wary of anyone who claims to be in a hurry to gain quick access.
  • Never ring the number on the ID card as it may be fake.
  • If you ever feel at all unsure, schedule a time for the caller to come back again when a friend or relative can be with you.

And if you are in any doubt, keep them out!

Tina Pugh / David Scales
Security Hub

Friday 7 July 2017

Gardening in the Triangle this Saturday morning

Front gate of no 75 Ash Grove, with back garden gate far right

If you'd like to do a bit of communal gardening, join the ATA gardeners on Saturday morning July 8th, 10am to 12 noon, at 75 Ashburnham Grove.

This is the home of people with learning difficulties. Some of them help with the garden. All of them eat the produce. Sometimes we take some of it home.

Janet (left) and Alison at the Play Street planter in April
Some of us might be working in the front garden. If not the back garden gate will be open - to the right of the building at number 75 (pictured above). If you go in and say hello, you'll find everyone is friendly and you will be most welcome. No need to bring gardening tools. Tea and biscuits at 11am-ish.

Gardening will be on the second Saturday of each month starting 12th August.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Foodies Festival on Blackheath starts Friday 7th July

Venue Address:

Circus Field, Blackheath, London, SE10 8QY

Opening times:
Friday 7th July
Saturday 8th July
Sunday 9th July

Good to know:
Dogs welcome on a short leash
Car park (£5) - pay on the day
Showguide £4

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Greenwich Pumping Station, Phoenix Wharf Site, Norman Road Out of Hours delivery Monday 10 July



to Getinvolved
Dear resident

Out of Hours Delivery to Phoenix Wharf, Norman Road SE10 – Monday 10 July 

A large mobile crane will arrive on site between 6:00 am and 7:00 am on Monday 10 July.

This vehicle will use the Metropolitan Police approved traffic routes into the site along
Norman Road SE10.

To minimise traffic disruption, the Metropolitan Police prohibits the movement of
abnormal loads such as this between the hours of 7:00 am and 7:00 pm.

Access to Norman Road will be maintained.

The next Community Liaison Working Group will be held between 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on
 Tuesday 11 Julyat Creekside Discovery Centre, 14 Creekside London, SE8 4SA.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone, please call our 24-hour
 Tideway Helpdesk on 08000 30 80 80.

Kind regards

Follow us on Twitter @tidewaylondon

The Point, 37 North Wharf Road,
Paddington, London W2 1AF
The Thames Tideway Tunnel is a major new sewer
that will help tackle the problem of overflows from 
the capital's Victorian sewers and will protect the
River Thames ...

Saturday 1 July 2017

A reminder on the Guilford Arms planning proposal

A reminder that residents are invited by the owners of the Guildford Arms to consult their plans for a reconfiguration of the pub and proposal to reinstate No. 61 Devonshire Drive. The plans will be available to view on Saturday 8th of July between 10:00 and 12:00 at the Guildford Arms, 55 Guildford Grove, SE10 8JY

Any questions ahead of this consultation or after, please contact our Planning Hub Rep Simon Barrs at