Saturday, 26 September 2020

London COVID-19 update

Please see below a message from the Metropolitan Police in response to the recent changes in COVID-19 regulations.
We’re calling on all Londoners to act responsibly and follow the rules to stop the virus spreading #Covid19

The rise in the spread of the virus should concern us all, and it should be everyone’s priority to drive these numbers down - personal choices will matter in the weeks and months to come.

We are stepping up patrols and we will proactively work with businesses, licensing authorities and local authorities to ensure the rules are being followed.

Anyone who chooses to flout the rules, and are consciously making decisions which put lives at risk should expect to have enforcement action taken against them.

Claire, ATA security

Friday, 25 September 2020

Attempted car thefts in Egerton Drive

Video has been taken of an individual trying door handles in Egerton Drive at approx 3am Thursday morning. Description: tall slim white male with dark hair.
Please ensure your vehicle is locked and that no valuables are on display.
Claire, ATA Security

Monday, 14 September 2020

CCTV and video doorbell register

A new initiative to improve the security and safety of our neighbourhood is being launched. 

The new register will be held on a secure database and will have details of the residents with CCTV or video doorbells. The purpose will be to assist police and council when they are investigating crimes. 

If you have CCTV or a video doorbell, it might be worth considering signing up. Please see the link below.

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Catalytic converter theft

The precious metal in catalytic converters has led to an increase in their theft reported in local areas. To keep yours safe ask your car dealer if they can give you any advice on locks or guards that are approved by the vehicle manufacturer.

Alternatively, try to make sure your vehicle is parked in a garage overnight, or if you have a commercial vehicle park it in a secure compound. If this isn’t possible, park in an area that’s well-lit and overlooked and try to park so that the convertor can’t be easily reached by potential thieves. Vehicles that sit high above the road are particularly vulnerable.

You should also register your converter and mark it with a forensic marker, which will make it harder for thieves to dispose of. Visit Secured by Design for more details.

Remember to report ALL suspicious behaviour to the police via 101, online via or via Twitter @metcc between 8am and 10pm and in an emergency to call 999. 

You can also consider using anti-theft products for catalytic converters. 

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Gardening this weekend

From our Environment & Gardening team:

It seems like no time since the last gardening session, but the next one is this Sunday. We will be working on the garden at Ada Kennedy Court (top of Ashburnham Grove) from 10am. You should be able to enter using the Trades button, but if not do ring Sara on 07790511557.

Please note that we have had to change the October session to Saturday 24 October at 10am.  

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Greenwich Market update

Here’s an update on the market rent increases from Royal Greenwich council leader Danny Thorpe:

‘Following concerns from Greenwich market traders about rent increases, I chaired a public meeting this week, alongside Cllr Denise Scott-McDonald and Cllr Aidan Smith with traders and representatives from Greenwich Hospital, the owners of the market.  

‘I am delighted that Greenwich Hospital has recognised the rent increase was a mistake and they have confirmed affected traders will receive a full refund. At the meeting, we had a constructive conversation about a range of issues and I’m hopeful we have found a way to ensure everyone is working to make Greenwich market thrive moving forward.’

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Safer Neighbourhoods September update including new Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs)

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met by conference call on Tuesday 1st September. Below is a summary of that meeting:

Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs)

The Council has a key role to play in making Royal Greenwich a safe place to live, visit and work, and tackling anti-social behaviour continues to be a high priority. Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) were introduced under the Anti-social Behaviour and Policing Act 2014, to ensure public spaces are areas that are free from anti-social behaviour.

PSPOs provide the Council with a wide-range of flexible powers to help tackle anti-social behaviour locally. The Royal Borough of Greenwich, supported by the local police, proposes to replace its existing PSPOs with new orders which aim to tackle a wider range of anti-social issues that are impacting local communities.

Some of these new orders include:

• Prohibiting alcohol-related ASB in public spaces.

• Prohibiting ASB, either individually or with others, in any public car park.

• Prohibiting of consumption, inhalation, injection or smoking, any high-inducing substance.

• Prohibiting the discharging or throwing a firework in a public place (with the exemption of Council authorised events).

The proposed changes are explained further in the accompanying documents found

Greenwich Council would really value your feedback and encourage you to have your say on these proposals by close 4th September 2020. The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. Please only complete the survey once.

The Council will consider all representations that have been made before deciding whether to make any changes or proceed to confirm the order(s).

Within the Triangle

Police continue to patrol Plymouth House and Barnstaple House to combat the ongoing drug dealing. This is an ongoing investigation and the situation is being closely monitored.

Since the ease of lockdown there have been many complaints regarding antisocial behaviour from patrons of the North Pole. Local residents have been providing valuable evidence of bad behaviour which have all been submitted to Public Health and the Licencing Team. North Pole now has more strict rules on social distancing and the staff are encouraged to ensure patrons leave quietly. At this present time the licensing team are happy with all procedures and are not prepared to carry out a full review. However, the problem of increased traffic, individuals playing loud music, the inhalation of nitrous dioxide from parked cars, littering and drinking in the streets notably at the end of Ashburnham Place / Egerton Drive does still continue. Our local police are fully aware of the ongoing problems residents are having to deal with but convincing Licensing that these individuals are only in the area to visit the North Pole is very hard to prove. Hopefully with the new PSPOs that Greenwich Council are proposing to enforce this type of behaviour can be more controlled. Our safer neighbourhood police will continue to patrol the area on a regular basis but I encourage all residents to continue to record any bad behaviour and submit appropriately - see post dated 13 July.

A loud birthday birthday in Devonshire Drive on Saturday 8th August led to numerous complaints from local residents to both the police and the council noise team. Both the police and council have visited the property and warnings have been issued that this behaviour is not acceptable and cannot be repeated. 

CCTV image of man trying car doors

Vehicle crime continues in the Triangle particularly theft from vehicles. Various CCTV has captured a male prowling the Triangle on a regular basis trying all car doors to gain access, usually between 1-3am. Unfortunately he has been successful on a few occasions. He is described as tall, slim, always wears a flat cap and light beige jacket. If you do actually see this person please call 999 immediately and advise this individual is suspected of numerous thefts from parked vehicles. The police are very keen to interview him.

Outside the Triangle

There has been an increase of groups of youths, typically young teenage boys on bicycles all wearing dark hoodies and masks and have been snatching phones. Last known crime was outside Sainsburys in Greenwich High Road on 24 August. If you have to make a phone call whilst walking please do be aware of your surroundings. This type of crime has significantly increased and is happening in all parts of West Greenwich. The police believe they know some of the youths. Gangs ride in from Deptford and another known group is from North Greenwich Peninsula.

There has been an increase in drug taking and dealing along the Thames River front particular in front of Peter the Great Statue. The police are aware of the problem and carry out regular stop and searches here. They request that if you witness any such activity to continue to report it so this crime can be entered on the Met Police crime map system.

As the number of people start to increase within the Town Centre, unfortunately the amount of robberies is also rising. This includes shoplifting, phone and bag snatching. The theft of bicycles is also continuing to rise. Our Safer Neighbourhood Police Team are working with Cycle Task Force to try and combat this problem.

Begging in the town centre has been a continuing problem. A Community Protection Notice (CPN) was served on the local beggar outside sainsburys due to his aggresive manner and believe he has now moved on.

Anti social behaviour (ASB) has continued on The Point with lots of gatherings, drug taking and dealing. The police continuously patrol the area and carry out frequent stop and searches which has resulted in positive action taken i.e. cannabis warnings and intelligence gathered.

Overall robberies are increasing in Greenwich West Ward with 24 robberies in the last 12 weeks. Robberies involving weapons are also increasing. There have been 23 reported burglaries within Greenwich West with 14 of these reports relating to the theft of bicycles. 5 relate to house burglaries.

Motor vehicle crime, particularly theft from vehicles has increased with particular pockets around Hyde Vale, Point Hill and Greenwich South Street. 

Tina Pugh 
ATA Security / Police Liaison 

Emergency dial 999 
Non Emergency dial 101 
Greenwich Safer Neighbourhood Team: 020 8284 5494 (not 24 hour) 
