Tuesday, 23 March 2021

The pandemic - one year on

The pandemic means so many things to so many people - from heart breaking personal tragedy, working in the most stressful circumstances, to coming together as a community to help those most in need – the list is endless.

It’s also hard to believe that it’s a year after the first national lockdown brought everyday life to a standstill in the UK.

We’re asking residents to join us in the National Day of Reflection today (23 March) to mark one year on and reflect on all that’s happened in the past year, remember the hundreds of thousands of people who have died in the UK from COVID-19, and recognise the progress that has been made in the fight against this deadly virus.
At 8pm

Please shine a torch or candle from your window or doorway to light up the sky as a beacon of remembrance and hope for a brighter future. Then share your light using the hashtag #DayOfReflection - don’t forget to include @Royal_Greenwich.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Update on booking Covid-19 vaccinations in Greenwich

Yesterday marks 100 days since the NHS gave Maggie Keenan her first dose of the Covid-19 vaccination. 

 The NHS in Greenwich has now started vaccinating residents aged 50 and over.

 If you are

  • aged 50 and over,
  • an eligible frontline health or social care worker,
  • a main carer for someone at high risk from COVID-19*,
  • have a learning disability,
  • are clinically extremely vulnerable (high risk) or clinically vulnerable (moderate risk)                                            
you can book your vaccine online at www.nhs.uk/covid-vaccination  or call 119  without needing an invitation.

See the full list of priority groups here and guidance on frontline health or social care workers and the high or moderate risk categories here .

*Carers can book online if you get a  Carer’s Allowance or you are listed as a carer in your GP records. Any carer who doesn’t receive Carers Allowance and requires a vaccination can contact Greenwich Carers' Centre via their website https://www.greenwichcarers.org/ or by calling 0300 300 2233. You can also call the carers advice line on 0300 555 1515.

NOTE: The online booking system offers appointments at a larger vaccination centre or a pharmacy that provides COVID-19 vaccinations. If you are housebound you will be contacted by your GP to be vaccinated at home. If you are not housebound, you can wait to be contacted by your GP or until more locations closer to where you live become available. 

Covid-19 Vaccination – Frequent Asked Questions 

A series of frequently asked questions to help local people learn more about the COVID vaccine and to address their concerns are available on the south east London CCG website at www.selondonccg.nhs.uk/what-we-do/covid-19/covid-19-vaccine/ 

We have included below the answer if it is safe to have the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine when some countries paused its roll out?

More than 11 million doses of the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca have now been given across the UK, and the number of blood clots reported after having the vaccine is not greater than the number that would have occurred naturally in the vaccinated population. People should still go and get their COVID-19 vaccine when asked to do so. 

Read the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) guidance in full .  

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Wellbeing and Mental Health support in Greenwich

From the Triangle's Community Champions: 

We know that many people are having a difficult time at the moment. If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious or stressed, or worried about your wellbeing and mental health, please know you are not alone and there is support available.

Here is a reminder of the wellbeing and mental health support that is available for adults in Greenwich.

At the Live Well Greenwich hub you can find advice and support, whether you need a friendly chat, emotional support, or are struggling with day to day life and need help urgently. Visit Live Well Greenwich today. You can also call 0800 470 4831 for free to talk to a friendly, local advisor Monday- Saturday 8.30am – 6pm.

Looking after your mental health has never been so important. More information about how to do this and what services are available for you are available at Free Your Mind .

If you need more confidential help Qwell, offers a free, anonymous online counselling and emotional wellbeing service. Adults aged over 26 can receive online counselling from qualified counsellors. The website is open 24 hours a day; one-to-one counselling sessions are available from 12pm until 10pm on weekdays, and from 6pm until 10pm on weekends. 

Greenwich Time to Talk can offer help to those who have mild problems of anxiety or depression. For more information on the service and details on how to book your first appointment please visit Greenwich Time to Talk - Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust as well as watch this short video.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis you can access Oxleas urgent advice line at 0800 330 8590.

Whatever you are going through, Samaritans are there to listen you can call 116 123

Monday, 15 March 2021

COVID-19 testing in Greenwich

Mass Testing update from the Council

To help reduce the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and reduce the risk of further lockdowns, we’re asking all residents from across the Royal Borough of Greenwich who do not have symptoms to get tested during March and April as part of our mass testing programme .

Around one in three people with COVID-19 have no symptoms so could be spreading the disease without knowing it.

We’ve set up sites across the borough and every household will need to book a free test online so we can manage queues at the sites and ensure everyone’s safety.

Please get tested - it’s a really easy way to help keep your loved ones and Royal Greenwich safe.

Look out for your letter for more information on when, where and how you can get tested, and visit Mass testing | Test and Trace | Royal Borough of Greenwich (royalgreenwich.gov.uk)

Saturday, 6 March 2021

Greenwich Park Revealed springs to life

Work has begun on Greenwich Park Revealed, the £8 million-pound, 4-year project led by The Royal Parks to restore, protect, reveal and share our park’s natural and built heritage and provide new learning and leisure opportunities for local people.  

The project was due to start last year, but was delayed by the pandemic. Work is finally underway with the recruitment of new staff and volunteers.

Over the next four years, they plan to:

  • Restore the park’s majestic, 17th Century landscape
  • Protect wildlife habitats
  • Put the community at the heart of it all, by creating new public space and creating new facilities such as a new sustainable learning centre. 

Royal Parks are now asking park users to comment on the revised plans for the learning centre and volunteer facilities, which will be submitted for planning permission this month. The consultation will run from Tuesday 23 Feb 2021 to Sunday 14 March 2021.

Thursday, 4 March 2021

History Meeting in March

The next ATA history group meeting will be via Zoom on Wednesday 24 March at 7.30pm.  The meeting will last about an hour. 

Margaret Luce will be giving a talk on The Charles Booth Notebooks: Ashburnham Triangle. Booth is famous for his London Poverty Maps and Notebooks. Margaret will look at what he said about some of the Triangle’s buildings, the people who lived in them and why some of the older buildings were demolished. She will take questions at the end of the talk.

We will have time for a round up of local history programmes or websites you have found interesting and useful during lockdown, and finish with a look to future meetings. We may even be back at The Ash this summer. Let’s hope. 

If you would like to join this or future meetings, please register your interest with Barbara Reid.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Safer Neighbourhood March update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met on Zoom on Tuesday 2nd March. Below is a summary of that meeting:

Ward Survey

Many thanks to those of you who completed the survey. Results will be collated and any relevant findings reported.

Within the Triangle

Bogus callers- do not answer your door if you are unsure and please report bogus callers to 101. If you feel that the caller was trying to gain entry to your property, call 999. Recent scams include people saying they work for the police or gas/water board etc.

Vehicle crime- active plain clothed police operation within triangle within the last two months has helped to drive crime down. Please continue to ensure that you leave nothing of value your car and ensure that it is locked securely.

If you do actually see this anyone attempting car doors etc, please call 999 immediately. In addition, if you have any CCTV or Ring footage, please send on to police.

Greenwich Town centre

Mobile phone theft, robberies, pickpocketing- around Cutty Sark Gardens/New Capital Quay (outside Waitrose)/Riverside/Creek Road- be aware of your surroundings and when using phone. Thefts have been committed by individuals on bikes or escooters and can happen very quickly so do not take chances.

Graffiti- recent graffiti attacks were cleared up very quickly by council and volunteers. If you would like to support cleaning up graffiti, please let us know and we will pass your details on, some materials and training will be provided.

Theft of pedal cycles- Please ensure cycles are locked securely to immovable objects and with good quality locks. This will deter thieves.

Scammers- do not give money to any individuals on the street, however convincing their stories are. Report to 101.

E scooters
Reminder to residents that these are for use on private roads only and should not be used on public roads or footpaths without relevant insurance and tax. Police in the Borough will be stopping individuals using them.


ATA Security / Police Liaison

Email: ata.secureteam@gmail.com

Emergency dial 999

Non-Emergency dial 101

Greenwich Safer Neighbourhood Team: 020 8284 5494 (not 24 hour)

Email: westgreenwich.snt@met.police.uk