Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Urgent: Ukraine refugee host families wanted

Dear Ashburnham Triangle community, 

Many of you know me as an ATA fun hub coordinator or a neighbour. I’m originally from Ukraine and working hard on securing a safe route to the UK for some of my family and friends. If any of you have a spare room you can offer to a Ukrainian refugee, please email me at anastasia.hgy@gmail.com. Please specify your preference (single, family, or a couple) and whether or not you would allow pets. 

Many thanks in advance for your welcome.


Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met in person on Thursday 3rd March. Below is a summary of that meeting: 

Within the Triangle 

  • Increase in car crime thefts from motor vehicles. Ensure cars are securely locked and nothing of value is left in them.
  • Burglaries are up, particularly from out-buildings. Ensure they are well secured. A suspect has been arrested so it is hoped that the number of crimes will decrease. 

Greenwich Town centre 

  • Large number of bikes still being stolen especially from Cutty Sark Gardens and near the Gypsy Moth.

Other areas

There is a PAI (Positive Action Initiative) going ahead on the Meridian Estate if anybody would like to attend the following events:

  • Thursday 10 March (1600-1900) Crime Prevention Stall on the Thames Path
  • Saturday 12 March (1500-1800) Bike Marking event on the Thames Path

SNT will be patrolling The Point due to reports of ASB.


ATA Security / Police Liaison 

Email: ata.secureteam@gmail.com 

Emergency dial 999 

Non-Emergency dial 101 

Greenwich Safer Neighbourhood Team: 020 8284 5494 (not 24 hour) 

Email: westgreenwich.snt@met.police.uk 

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

ATA Gardening Activities

Spring is on its way, so our Triangle's Green team have set dates for gardening and for the Plant Swap in May.

Sara says that they are trying out gardening on Saturdays afternoons at 2pm:

  • 26 March
  • 30 April
  • 14 May  with the Plant Swap at 11am in Ashburnham Retreat
  • 25 June

Hope to see you there.