
Showing posts from 2022

7th Day Adventist carol concert


Tis the season for the ATA Carols Party Night

  A reminder that Monday night is our Carols Party Night!

Diversity Together Cultural Day, Saturday, December 17th


Carols Party Night, Monday 19 December


Safer Neighbourhood volunteers wanted

The new chair of the Safer Neighbourhood Board, Cheryl, led a meeting on Friday 11 November to discuss the changes to Greenwich borough Safer Neighbourhood wards. The Ashburnham Triangle is part of the Greenwich Park Ward. We are currently looking to recruit a diverse range of residents to join the local ward panel, which will be held with the Greenwich Creekside Ward. The panels are held approx six times a year and are attended by local officers, councilors and members of the Greenwich Safer Spaces teams. If you are interested in supporting security and help shape and feed into policing in the local area please get in touch. There is a meeting about the formation of the new wards on 19 January at 18:30. Please note the new email address for the local Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team:

Planning in Greenwich

Greenwich Council are carrying out a Community Involvement Consultation at the moment to allow local communities/residents to have an input on how the Council can work with us all to improve areas within the Borough through the Planning process.  Below is a link to a page on the Councils website where they are consulting on the development of their new Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). Your feedback could help develop a draft SCI which will be subject to further consultation. Please do get involved and have your say.  

ATA Annual General Meeting, November 23rd

Residents of the Ashburnham Triangle are invited to the Ashburnham Triangle Association's Annual General Meeting on  Wednesday, 23rd November at 7pm  in the back room at the Ashburnham Arms. This AGM will be my first as Chair and we will run through the highlights of the year, our financial position and plans for the year ahead. Roger Bickmore

Community gardening on Saturday, October 8th

Please join us on Saturday, October 8th at 2pm. We will meet at the planter on the Play Street.

Redevelopment of Greenwich Magistrates Court

You will hopefully have received a copy of the attached document directly, outlining an update on the the current planning application for the redevelopment and refurbishment of the former Greenwich Magistrates Court. ( Click here to see the document.) The document highlights the existing consented scheme and then goes on to highlight the proposed amendments that will be made through a Section 73 planning application. (A section 73 enables planning permission to be granted on the same development as previously authorised by an earlier planning permission, but subject to different conditions - it doesn’t enable permission to be granted on a different development)  The salient points to note on the new proposal are;  They are no longer planning for the second basement level which will minimise disturbance from construction and excavation and should be less time consuming.  Heights of the 4 taller buildings immediately behind the magistrates court are increasing - notable fo...

ATA 2022 Street Party cancelled

Dear all, Following the sad news of the death of the Queen, the country is now in a period of mourning. Her Majesty’s funeral is likely to take place either on the day of our planned street party next weekend or shortly afterwards. In the circumstances I am sure you will understand our decision to cancel the event this year. We shall rearrange the party to take place in 2023. Regards, Roger, ATA Chair

Safer Neighbourhood September update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met in person on Thursday 1st September. Below is a summary of that meeting Ashburnham Triangle Theft from motor vehicles - do not leave belongings or valuables in your cars - chance thieves. Some vehicles are being targeted so consider additional measures if you have a high value car. Greenwich High Road New CCTV has been installed opposite the station Town centre Bike thefts continue - be aware Be aware of attempted phone thefts in the town centre Robberies have slightly dropped over the past two months in the area. Please continue to be vigilant. We hope to have a member of the Safer Neighbourhoods Team present at the Ashburnham Triangle Street Party. Claire, ATA Security / Police Liaison Email: Emergency dial 999  Non-Emergency dial 101  Greenwich Safer Neighbourhood Team: 020 8284 5494 (not 24 hour)  Email:

The return of Greenwich Open Studios

After an absence of two years Greenwich Open Studios return September 10/11 and 17/18 with two weekends of studio access hosted by local artists and makers. Full details can be found at

The 2022 ATA Street Party returns on Saturday, September 17th

After two years away, let’s make this year’s street party one to remember. The event starts at 1pm on Saturday 17 September in the play street next to the Ashburnham Arms and there will be something for everyone!  For the kids we shall have a climbing wall, bouncy castle, some magic tricks, face painting and many other activities to keep the youngsters happy. For the grown-ups, a local band will be pumping out the tunes. And of course there’s food: we’ll be serving up high-quality barbecued beef burgers and sausages, hand-made by a local supplier. The pub will be open all afternoon selling beer, wine and soft drinks to the thirsty. For those with a sweet tooth, the ever-popular cake stall returns, showcasing the bake-off skills of our local residents. The party raises funds to support the work of the ATA so please donate on the day and join in the raffle. This year promises to be the best ever for prizes. If you would like to volunteer to help please email me ( ata.streetparty@gmai...

Free Deptford Creek guided walk next weekend

There is another of the highly popular free guided walks along Deptford Creek next weekend. Led by Mick Delap and Neil Sinclair, the walk is part of the Revealing The Creek programme, and explores the industrial heritage of Deptford Creek, uncovering and discussing its 19th century industrial activity and where it all happened on the Creek. The walk will take place from 11am to approx 2pm on Saturday, September 3rd. The walk will start and finish at The Old Joinery, Ravensbourne Wharf, Norman Road near the junction with Creek Road and Deptford Creek road bridge. To guarantee a place, customers must book via Eventbrite . There may be places on the day but this cannot be guaranteed as previous walks have proven very popular.

Safer Neighbourhood July update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met in person on Thursday 7th July. Below is a summary of that meeting. Within the Triangle  Motor vehicle crime There has been an increase in the theft of vehicles in the past two months and theft from vehicles. Prevention is key. Robberies are brazen and not necessarily always in the middle of the night. Think about where your keys are kept. For keyless cars, consider a Faraday pouch (keeping keys in the microwave will do the same job) Visible deterrents better than nothing – cars are stolen to order or high-end cars are targeted Thieves are more likely to steal cars which do not have deterrents. Videos of individuals trying car doors etc are not always identifiable, but the more information the police have the better and they may be able to identify specific clothing or look for patterns of crime. It may be a good idea to keep glove compartment open to show it is empty, stickers are available from Amazon to say nothing of value is le...

Local policing survey

Please could residents complete the following short survey about local policing. Please note the ward we are in is Greenwich West. Many thanks, Claire, ATA Security 

Creeklink Walk

There's another of the popular Creeklink walks happening this coming weekend. It will be led by local residents Mick Delap and Neil Sinclair and takes place on Saturday morning 18th June at 11:15 (for an 11:30 departure) from The Old Joinery, Norman Road. Tickets for this free walk for local residents and friends/family are available on Eventbrite  on a first come, first served basis. The approximately 90 mins walk will be followed by a presentation back at The Old Joinery where hot food and drink can be purchased. Places on the original walk were quickly snapped up, so please get your tickets early to avoid disappointment.

Triangle Tree survey

Well, May, with its green fizz, and its tuneful blackbirds, has gone.  It’s a time when the number and variety of trees in the Triangle always surprises – and excites.  So waking up the other day to the sound of a chain saw was depressing.  We know so little about the Triangle’s trees.  And it would be tragic to lose them while our backs were turned.  When the first Lockdown arrived, in spring 2020, a group of Triangle residents started sharing observations of Triangle birds – which produced a Birds of the Ashburnham Triangle Check List of 35 species.  You can see it on our Green page ).  But how many species of trees do we have?  And what are the stand outs?  The largest, the oldest, the rarest?  Your favourite? I think I may know the tallest.  And the current guardian of what we think is the oldest – a Mulberry that may be as much as 300 years old – tells me that under his care, it’s hanging on. Just. Surely time, in this tree-ori...

Celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee

On June 5th from 12 noon to 1:30pm St Mark's Church on Greenwich South Street invites all friends and neighbours for coffee, tea and cake to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee. If the weather permits the celebrations will be outdoors. All welcome.

The Greenwich swifts are back

Greenwich Swifts are back on their nests above Davy’s Wine Store on Greenwich High Road. To see these amazing fliers over the next twelve weeks that they are with us (before they scoot off back to southern Africa for the winter) all you have to do is to head off to where Langdale Road meets Greenwich High Road  (or, just as good, look over the wall of Greenwich Station’s Platform 2 towards Davy’s while you are waiting for a London train). If you are lucky, sometime in the next ten minutes or so there’ll be a party of swifts screaming over head,  or a more discreet individual slipping in or out of one of the nests under Davy’s Wine Store eaves, where the next generation of these endangered birds are being nurtured. For a bit more about our Greenwich swifts and how the ATA is supporting them, see Mick Delap’s new piece on the ATA web site .

Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday Bin Collections

There are revised collection dates for our waste and recycling bins for the Platinum Jubilee bank holiday.   The Platinum Jubilee brings with it two extra bank holidays on the 2 and 3 June.  All collections due to take place between Monday 30 May – Friday 3 June will take place two days earlier than normal , so the Triangle's collections will be on Saturday 28 May rather than the following Monday. Please make sure you put your bins out ready for our crews by 6am on the day of collection.  As there will be fewer crews black and green top bins will be prioritised and blue top bins may be left until the following week.   Normal collections will resume Monday 6 June. 

Safer Neighbourhoods May update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met in person on Thursday 12th May. Below is a summary of that meeting:  Within the Triangle  Burglaries have fallen but vehicle crime has risen with both theft from vehicles and interference with vehicles. Please continue to ensure that you leave nothing of value your car and ensure that it is locked securely.    If you do actually see anyone attempting car doors etc, please call 999 immediately. In addition, if you have any CCTV or Ring footage, please send it to police. Greenwich Town centre  There was a murder outside SE train station and a suspect has been arrested. Police reassurance patrols have been conducted. Bike thieves continue to be an issue.  Claire   ATA Security / Police Liaison   Email:   Emergency dial 999   Non Emergency dial 101   Greenwich Safer Neighbourhood Team: 020 8284 5494 (not 24 hour)   Email: ...

Plant Swap May 14th


Spring booster in Greenwich

The spring booster dose of COVID- 19 vaccine is now available to people who are 75 and older, as well as those who are immunosuppressed and aged 12 & over. Getting a booster gives increased protection against COVID-19. The NHS will contact eligible people to book their next vital jab.  Find out more here  

Revealing The Creek

All Ashburnham Triangle Association members, their relatives and friends are cordially invited to join a free guided walk on Saturday 30th April to explore Deptford Creek's rich industrial heritage. The walk will be led by long-term Greenwich residents Mick Delap and Neil Sinclair, and is part of the Revealing The Creek programme, aimed at uncovering and discussing it's 19th century industrial activity and where it happened along the Creek. Revealing The Creek is a community heritage and performance project based on different stories from Deptford Creek's past, present and future. Its main partners are Raybel Charters, National Maritime Museum, Arthouse Ventures and is supported by The Heritage Lottery Fund. You can find the meeting spot for the tour - The Old Joinery - next to the Euromix concrete and aggregate site at the corner of Norman Road and Creek Road, and on the eastern side of Deptford Creek just up Creek from the Deptford Creek/Creek Road bridge. For public tran...

Thames Tideway Update

 We have received an update on the Thames Tideway’s latest Community Liaison Working Group: This week marked the beginning of the end for Thames Tideway’s Greenwich Connection Tunnel – and for the Tunnel Boring Machine Annie.  Annie started from Greenwich Pumping Station - GREPS - on Norman Road last winter, and has just arrived at the destination for the Greenwich Connection Tunnel: Chambers Wharf, just downstream from Tower Bridge.  There is as of this week a new tunnel between Greenwich and Tower Bridge.  How often can you say that!  So the last barge load of chalky tunnel soil is now being shipped out of Deptford Creek ,  and TTT’s GREPS contractor, AVB, will now start dismantling the Phoenix Wharf machinery used to ship out the tunnel spoil.  AVB are very pleased with themselves, both for making the tunnel breakthrough,  and for managing to get much more spoil out by barge,  not lorry, during the tunnelling  (41%,  not the orig...

Urgent: Ukraine refugee host families wanted

Dear Ashburnham Triangle community,  Many of you know me as an ATA fun hub coordinator or a neighbour. I’m originally from Ukraine and working hard on securing a safe route to the UK for some of my family and friends. If any of you have a spare room you can offer to a Ukrainian refugee, please email me at . Please specify your preference (single, family, or a couple) and whether or not you would allow pets.  Many thanks in advance for your welcome. Anastasia 

Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met in person on Thursday 3rd March. Below is a summary of that meeting:  Within the Triangle  Increase in car crime thefts from motor vehicles. Ensure cars are securely locked and nothing of value is left in them. Burglaries are up, particularly from out-buildings. Ensure they are well secured. A suspect has been arrested so it is hoped that the number of crimes will decrease.  Greenwich Town centre  Large number of bikes still being stolen especially from Cutty Sark Gardens and near the Gypsy Moth. Other areas There is a PAI (Positive Action Initiative) going ahead on the Meridian Estate if anybody would like to attend the following events: Thursday 10 March (1600-1900) Crime Prevention Stall on the Thames Path Saturday 12 March (1500-1800) Bike Marking event on the Thames Path SNT will be patrolling The Point due to reports of ASB. Claire  ATA Security / Police Liaison  Email: ...

ATA Gardening Activities

Spring is on its way, so our Triangle's Green team have set dates for gardening and for the Plant Swap in May. Sara says that they are trying out gardening on Saturdays afternoons at 2pm: 26 March 30 April 14 May  with the Plant Swap at 11am in Ashburnham Retreat 25 June Hope to see you there.

West Greenwich Hills & Vales traffic scheme to end

According to the 853 local news website: Greenwich Council is to scrap its low-traffic neighbourhood in streets west of Greenwich Park – only a year after a senior councillor promised that the scheme would “just be the start” of measures to cut traffic in the borough’s back streets. The decision, due to be signed off by Labour transport cabinet member Sarah Merrill this week, ends an 18-month scheme where through traffic was stopped from passing down Crooms Hill, Royal Hill, Point Hill and Maidenstone Hill following complaints from residents about rat-running and antisocial behaviour from drivers trying to avoid queues on the A2.  More details on the 853 website, here.

Shelter donation update

An update on the takings from the Christmas Carol collection organised by Robin and Janet Stott last December. An additional £105 was collected by Pepina at the Ashburnham Arms, making a generous total of £335 donated to Shelter, the charity for the homeless. Well done, everyone.

New street lights

Residents in the Triangle wondering why they have new, brighter streetlights may find this information from the Council interesting:  The Council has secured a £11.5 million loan from The Mayor of London’s Energy Efficiency Fund (MEEF) to replace all its 20,000 traditional street lights with modern LED equivalents – saving £1million a year in energy and maintenance costs. The new light-emitting diode lanterns, known as LEDs, will ensure that the borough’s streets are lit to the current modern standards, but they are also highly efficient and environmentally friendly as they concentrate light on where it is needed with less light pollution. Light will be more evenly distributed down the road - making streets feel safer. More details on the Council's website .  Lights have already been replaced on Egerton Drive and Langdale Road this week

Bike Marking this weekend

Please join us at Cutty Sark Gardens this Sunday 6th February from 10am-3pm for free bike marking. Registering your bike helps police and retailers identify and verify the legitimate owner of bikes that have been stolen or are being resold. It is an effective, visible deterrent for bike thieves. Claire, ATA Security 

Proposed Deptford Creek heritage trail

Many of you will have enjoyed Mick Delap’s excellent talks on the history of Deptford Creek. We are now very pleased to have a Feasibility Study for a proposed Creek heritage trail (CreekLink). This has been produced with the help of landscape designer and architect Madeleine Adams (Studioma). Funding for the Feasibility Study came from The Ashburnham Triangle Association, The Greenwich Society and the Greenwich Industrial History Society.   Here’s a link to the proposal. Please take a look. We welcome your feedback. Comments to or  

Royal Greenwich Community Innovation Grants

A new funding opportunity is available for Community-led projects in Royal Greenwich to improve mental wellbeing and address unfair differences in health.  Individuals, groups or organisations can apply for between £1000 and £5000.  Partnership applications can be for up to £15,000.  Applications are now open via this online form . The closing date will be Monday 21st February (midnight).   To find out more and get support with your application please come along to our information session on Thursday 3rd February, from 6-7pm, via zoom . For more information, please visit Royal Greenwich Community Innovation Grants .

Survey on women's safety in the Borough

Please take time to complete this survey about women’s safety in the borough . Although aimed specifically at women and girls in the borough, they welcome and encourage feedback from anyone who has experienced gender-based violence, abuse or harassment in the Royal Borough of Greenwich, including men and non-binary people. 

Car crime in the Triangle

There has been a marked increase in car crime over the past few weeks. There was a uniformed patrol today of the triangle and the police commented on the visibility of belongings including handbags in cars.  Please remember to remove everything from cars. Even a suction mark on a windscreen where a satnav has been is enough for somebody to smash a window.  Do not leave anything, e.g. wires, glasses cases etc visible at all and take all belongings inside. Please warn all visitors. We are trying to get signs put on the metered areas. Please also warn builders as there has been tools taken from a van in Egerton on Tuesday 11 whilst they were working in the house. If you or a visitor does suffer a smashed window, please do report this online or on 101 as soon as possible. Please also report any suspicious individuals you see.  If you have any footage from ring doorbells that you think is relevant please send through to the Safer Neighbourhood Team .

Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods January update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met in virtually on Thursday 6th January. Below is a summary of that meeting:  Burglaries of bikes We hope to have a bike marking session available to residents soon.  Town centre  Aggressive violent beggars have left town centre. Distraction thefts - beware of withdrawing cash outside in town centre. Devices have also been found in exterior ATMs. Lloyds TSB to close in March. Graffiti in town centre- acid material used which has damaged bus stops. Police have an idea of who is behind it. Within triangle Cowan house parcel theft continued over Christmas. Parcels contributed to be left in communal hallway. Car crime- statistics have gone down but local residents have reported a spate of smashed windows which may not have been reported. Please ensure you report any damage to vehicles to police, and remind visitors to remove valuables from car and belongings out of sight. We are going to try to get signage for the metered areas t...