
Showing posts from October, 2022

Community gardening on Saturday, October 8th

Please join us on Saturday, October 8th at 2pm. We will meet at the planter on the Play Street.

Redevelopment of Greenwich Magistrates Court

You will hopefully have received a copy of the attached document directly, outlining an update on the the current planning application for the redevelopment and refurbishment of the former Greenwich Magistrates Court. ( Click here to see the document.) The document highlights the existing consented scheme and then goes on to highlight the proposed amendments that will be made through a Section 73 planning application. (A section 73 enables planning permission to be granted on the same development as previously authorised by an earlier planning permission, but subject to different conditions - it doesn’t enable permission to be granted on a different development)  The salient points to note on the new proposal are;  They are no longer planning for the second basement level which will minimise disturbance from construction and excavation and should be less time consuming.  Heights of the 4 taller buildings immediately behind the magistrates court are increasing - notable fo...