Safer Neighbourhood September update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met in person on Thursday 1st September. Below is a summary of that meeting

Ashburnham Triangle

Theft from motor vehicles - do not leave belongings or valuables in your cars - chance thieves. Some vehicles are being targeted so consider additional measures if you have a high value car.

Greenwich High Road
New CCTV has been installed opposite the station

Town centre

Bike thefts continue - be aware
Be aware of attempted phone thefts in the town centre

Robberies have slightly dropped over the past two months in the area. Please continue to be vigilant.

We hope to have a member of the Safer Neighbourhoods Team present at the Ashburnham Triangle Street Party.

Claire, ATA Security / Police Liaison
Emergency dial 999 
Non-Emergency dial 101 
Greenwich Safer Neighbourhood Team: 020 8284 5494 (not 24 hour) 


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