
Showing posts from July, 2020

Sunday lunches return to the Ashburnham Arms

Great news - the Ash Sunday lunch is back! As with all restaurants during the current situation please be sure to book a table in advance (020 8355 5141). 

Midsummer at the Thames Tideway Tunnel Greenwich Pumping Station

Midsummer at the Thames Tideway Tunnel Greenwich Pumping Station. Down on the Thames Tideway Tunnel site off Norman Road, there has been great excitement as the Greenwich section of the Super Sewer project took a major step forward over the past few days. The aim is to drill a sewage overflow tunnel that will prevent the Greenwich Pumping Station having to release large amounts of raw sewage into the Thames whenever excessive rain floods the existing sewers. The overflow tunnel will connect the Greenwich Pumping Station with the massive new Thames Tideway super sewer via a new pumping station just below Tower Bridge. And in the early hours of Wednesday 15th July, the largest piece of the tunnel boring machine, the cutting head, was brought in by road, and prepared for lowering down to the bottom of the 50 metre access shaft TTT have been building here for the past two years.  As you will see from the picture, the blue drill head is enormous. When it is in place at the bottom of our...

Change of meeting place for Saturday gardening

Our Environment and Gardening Hub are looking forward to seeing some of you at 2pm on Saturday, July 18th for gardening. We will meet at Lamley House, the corner of Ashburnham Place and Egerton Drive. There is also grass to be raked on Langdale Rd near to the High Road. If you can please bring a rake (or two) and a green bin. Do bring some water to drink as it's going to be hot, this may limit how much we can do. Anyway it will be good to get together  at a distance.

Safer Neighbourhoods July update

L ast week the Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met via telephone conference to discuss Greenwich West. Here is a summary of that call: Within the Triangle As reported on the last update, there have been numerous reports of drug dealing and using within some of the blocks of flats in Devonshire Drive, notably Plymouth House. Police have identified a possible suspect and patrols in this area have increased. CID are still investigating the incident which occurred on 19th June along Devonshire Drive where a male was taken in his own car against his will - see post dated 21 June .  A full report will be available once CID have completed their investigation. There have been various reports of two different fraudsters going door to door within the Triangle. Please can you warn any vulnerable neighbours who may not see this report to not open the door and engage with unknown individuals and NEVER hand over money to unknown individuals. Both fraudsters prey on the elderly a...

Bad behaviour within the Triangle

With lockdown restrictions eased last weekend we unfortunately had to witness some bad behaviour within the Triangle from non residents visiting the North Pole bar along Greenwich High Road and D’Luxx in Blackheath Road. Complaints were received of large groups inhaling nitrous oxide gas and also arguments which led to a fight. Cars were also driven at speed up and down Ashburnham Place at approx 1.30am on Sunday 5th July. Local residents also witnessed loud music and social distancing generally not being adhered to at the North Pole and D’Luxx bars. In order to deal with bad behaviour I am looking for residents help. If you witness any issues of crime, disorder or anti-social behaviour call 999 for an emergency, i.e., if the issue is currently in progress, otherwise contact 101 and report what you have seen. For issues with noise, please contact the Council’s noise team and ask for the noise to be witnessed – 020 8921 8921. Please also take photo’s or video clips — if safe to do so...

Gardening again in the Triangle

The ATA Green Hub is going to go back to its monthly gardening sessions. The next one is on Saturday 18 July at 2pm. They will meet outside Barnstable House on the corner of Egerton and Devonshire Drives. Please bring a rake/s if you can and if you have an empty green bin it would be useful. It's easy to keep a distance from people when gardening and it's a sociable way to get exercise. New volunteers always welcome.