
Showing posts from November, 2018

The ATA campaign to unlock Deptford Creek to the public

As the big residential developments rise up along Deptford Creek, the Ashburnham Triangle Association's  Mick Delap has continued to campaign for Greenwich Council and the developers to live up to their promises and create a Creekside Pathway, to be at the heart of the new Creekside community and to benefit near neighbours like the Ashburnham Triangle residents. More details of the campaign can be found by clicking this link: Unlock Deptford Creek

Father Christmas in his Grotto

J ust a reminder that Father Christmas is returning to his grotto at Greenwich Market every weekend in December: 1st & 2nd, 8th & 9th, 15th & 16th and 22nd & 23rd. Also open on Thursday 20th, Friday 21st and Christmas Eve! Thursday to Saturday 12:30pm–5pm; Sunday 12:30pm–4pm; Christmas Eve 11am–3pm All proceeds go to Greenwich and Bexley Community Hospice.

Burglary, Visibilty and Bushes

Unfortunately there has been another break-in, this time in Ashburnham Grove. Entry to the property was gained via the basement sash window and once again the property was hidden from the pavement by a very large hedge.  There are many properties within the Triangle that have very mature overgrown shrubbery in the front garden. You may like privacy but so do burglars. Burglars don’t want to be seen or heard and if they think they’ll be noticed by a neighbour or passer-by then they’re likely to feel exposed and identifiable, which will probably make them move on. Overgrown bushes and trees makes it easier for a burglar to get close to a home and gain entry. Keep it visible Now is the perfect time to cut back all overgrown plants and make the front of your property visible from the pavement. Lower fences, hedges and trees at the front of your property around one-metre high are preferable as they allow for a clear view over the top and don’t provide cover for anyone wi...

Burglary Alert - Did you see anything?

There was a burglary today, Friday 9th November, in Ashburnham Place. The burglar was disturbed and fled the house. They gained access via the basement sash window. Did you see anything around 12:55pm and 1pm today? Do you have CCTV cameras that may have filmed an individual rushing down Ashburnham Place or Ashburnham Retreat? Any information please contact me here or contact our Safer Neighbourhood Police - see below. Unfortunately Crime in the Triangle is rising at an alarming rate with burglars being more bold and now entering homes via the front door. They are using a locksmith tool to easily open yale door locks. ALWAYS chubb lock your door, and bolt the door last thing at night. A burglar attempted to gain entry into a house in King George Street last week via the front door whilst the occupants were asleep in bed. There has been 6 burglaries in King George Street in the last month and 10 burglaries within the Triangle in the last 12 weeks. Motor vehicle crimes is a continu...

Autumn bulb planting in the Triangle

On Saturday, November 10th at 11am the ATA Green Team will be meeting outside number 75 Ashburnham Grove and putting bulbs in there and then moving on to Barnstaple House The more people the merrier .. even if you can only plant a few bulbs - please bring a trowel if you  have one ( we will have spares) We have about 1000 daffodil bulbs to put in so all help welcome!