
Showing posts from 2021

ATA Carol party news

Robin and Janet’s annual Christmas Carol celebration raised an impressive £220 for the homeless charity Shelter this year. Many thanks to all involved.

Triangle bin collection on Wednesdays

Triangle bin collections will be on Wednesdays rather than Mondays over the holidays. All things being well, normal service should be resumed on January 10th. 

The Guildford Arms closed until after Christmas

The Guildford Arms is closed until further notice due to a high number of staff having to self isolate.  Here is the note on the door informing of the closure.

ATA Carols Party Night


URGENT: Call for volunteers to support vaccine booster programme

Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust  has contacted us and asked us to post the following: You will have heard in the news that the Government has set a target for all over 18-year-olds to be offered the booster vaccination by the end of December 2021. We are asking all staff and members to consider if they can spare some time to support this vital programme If you can volunteer to become a vaccinator, contact If you can offer more general support such as administration and marshalling at the vaccination sites please email by Friday 17 December stating whether you would prefer to be work at a site in Greenwich or Bexley.

Boosters and vaccinations at The Valley this weekend

Please join in the pre-Christmas fight against COVID-19, help reduce the strain on the NHS and keep Royal Greenwich safe. Thank you. Book now to get your booster and vaccination at The Valley on Saturday 18 (8am to 6pm) and Sunday 19 (9am to 6pm) December. They are offering Pfizer booster dose to everyone aged 18 and over, but no sooner than three months after the second dose.  First and second vaccination doses to everyone aged 16 and over Second doses given eight weeks or more following the first dose for 18 and over, and twelve weeks for 16 and 17 year olds. Walk-ins also available on the day. Please make your way by train, tube, bus, cycle or on foot to Charlton Athletic Football Club, The Valley, Floyd Rd, London, SE7 8BL. Only some on-site parking is available. Please adhere to social distancing guidelines including wear a face covering inside and maintain two metre distance at all times. Queuing is outside so please dress for the weather.

Christmas craft fair on Sunday


Suspicious behaviour on Ashburnham Retreat/Play street

On Saturday evening a group of approx six individuals were gathered at the Ashburnham Place end of the Retreat/play street for about an hour using nitrous oxide. At approx 2130/2145 they walked down the Retreat to Ashburnham Grove and then turned left into the Grove up to South St. Two of them started walking the other way down Ashburnham Grove but looked like they were called back by the other four and they all walked up to South St. If anybody has any CCTV footage of these individuals please could you let us know as the police are interested in who they were due to an increase in car crime in the Triangle.

Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods November update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met in person on Thursday 4th November. Below is a summary of that meeting: Within the Triangle Car crime - thefts of motor vehicles- cars and motorbikes. Ensure cars are securely locked and nothing of value is left in them. Burglaries are down.  North Pole - police aware of parking issues. Greenwich Town centre Some non-residential burglaries in town centre, some robberies and thefts from out houses.  Lebanese loops on ATM in Crescent Arcade (card details are copied). Residents advised to use cash points inside banks. Other areas Creek Road- bicycle thefts- be aware The Point- anti-social behaviour- police aware  Moving towards Winter and Christmas If you are away - think about leaving lights etc on timers and ask neighbours to check that your letterbox doesn’t overfill etc. Consider your walking/travel routes as the nights have drawn in. Parcels in the run up to Christmas- please consider taking parcels in for neighbours if ...

Parking Visitor Permits now all online

The paper 'scratchcard' visitor parking permits are no longer being issued by the Council. If you have visitors who require parking within the Triangle, you have to register online and apply for permits at

Next ATA History talk Thursday 25 November

Our next talk will also be in West Greenwich Library on Thursday 25 November at 7.30pm  Title: Huguenots, silk and the Greenwich connection. It was described as the biggest brain drain in history when some 250,000 Huguenots (French Calvinists) fled religious persecution in France at the end of the 17th century. About 50,000 sought refuge in England, with about 20,000 of them settling in or near London. Many of these self- described refugees settled in Spitalfields. Here an established silk weaving industry serving rich customers in Westminster and the City of London provided work for the extravagant silk weaving and dyeing skills of the Huguenots. Some, however, settled in Greenwich where the royal palace and wealthy residents in surrounding streets also offered business opportunities for the hard-working and largely very abstemious Huguenots. Our Speaker: Greenwich, City of London and Westminster guide Neil Sinclair will explore the connections between the Huguenots of Spitalfield...

Scammer in the Triangle

Please be aware of a man circulating in the triangle (known to have tried on Egerton, Langdale and Devonshire) asking for money for an electricity meter. When questioned by residents for proof etc. he has gone away and not returned which indicates he is most likely to be a scammer. Residents have reported him to the police. 

Update on Thames Tideway Tunnel

Mick Delap, the ATA's representative for Deptford Creek developments, has posted a new update on the Thames Tideway Tunnel project. There's good news and bad news if you're interested in the work, so please click here for his full report.

ATA Annual General Meeting: October 20th

The Ashburnham Triangle Association is looking for a new chairman and secretary, and someone to take responsibility for arranging some local events and organising the annual ATA Street Party. Would you be interested in getting involved? Our Annual general meeting will be at the Ashburnham Arms on Wednesday 20th October at 7.30pm if you would like to find out more.  Please email Robin Stott  if you'd like to attend.

Murder of Sabina Nessa

Following the devastating murder of Sabina Nessa locally, please see here the council response,  Officers investigating the murder of Sabina Nessa have released details of the route she was travelling at the time of the attack in the hope that any further witnesses will come forward. Anyone with information should call the incident room on 0208 721 4266 or Crimestoppers completely anonymously on 0800 555 111. Claire, ATA security 

Safer Neighbourhood September Update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met on Zoom on Tuesday 7th September. Below is a summary of that meeting:  Within the Triangle Resident has reported that their rubbish has been rifled through- please ensure that you shred confidential documents and destroy those with personal details on. Drug dealing continues from Merriweather Place. Police are aware. Burglaries have increased. Police will be doing set patrols to monitor this. Please ensure doors and windows are secured. Greenwich Town centre Spate of graffiti on businesses, ORNC, bus stops - large police, business and council effort to catch the individual. Distraction thefts - keep phones and wallets etc in a safe place. If approached for help or assistance by a stranger, ensure your valuables are securely away before assisting. Pedal cycles- theft of cycles in town centre is rising again- ensure your bike is locked securely with more than one lock. Other local areas Brookmill Park- knifepoint robbery reported- pl...

Swift Boxes Update

In August the Green Hub bought three swift boxes to support the local swift population. These have now been fitted by St Marks onto the side of their tower. Here’s hoping they are occupied next year .. although apparently it can take a few years. Thanks to St Marks.  Alison Haworth

History meeting on August 12th

The next ATA History group meeting is this Thursday from 7.30pm. Barbara writes: It seems a long time since our last meeting on zoom back in March. I have been waiting to see how things would develop over the summer and to see if we could meet up in person rather than on zoom. Our usual venue, the back room at the Ashburnham Arms is a great location and I hope we can be back there before too long but it’s a smallish space and I'm aware that at the present time this might prevent some people from coming to a meeting so with that in mind I have booked a larger venue:  West Greenwich Library for Thursday 12 August 7.30pm.  The main item is a talk by historian Ann Dingsdale on a remarkable woman, Marie Celeste de Casteras Sinibaldi, who in the 1860s lived at 1 South Villas, Greenwich South Street. She signed the 1866 women's suffrage petition and took out several very interesting engineering patents in the early 1860s including one for improvements in the manufacture of armour pla...

Swift boxes

Three swift boxes have been bought by the ATA and will be mounted under the water Ed at St Marks church, hoping to increase the local swift population in the next few years.

Gardening this Saturday

If you fancy a bit of gardening on Saturday morning, our gardening team will meet at the planter in the Play Street at 10.30am, do what's needed there and then go to Ada Kennedy Court.

Deptford Creek’s past, present – and future

Mick Delap is the July speaker to the Greenwich Industrial History Society, on Tuesday 13 July.        The free Zoom talk starts at 7.30pm, with people gathering electronically from 19:15 onwards. There will be time for questions and debate after the talk.  If you want to sign up for this virtual talk, you must register via the Eventbrite link here:                     They will then send you log-on details after 6pm on Tuesday.

Safer Neighbourhood July update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met on Zoom on Tuesday 6th July. Below is a summary of that meeting:   Within the Triangle  Cowan House- neighbour disputes, Optivo housing is dealing with this. Drug dealing has been reported from Merriweather Place. Police are monitoring. Burglaries and motor vehicle theft down, but police will be doing plain-clothed patrols. Issues with an address on Blackheath Road. Please report any issues to police.  Greenwich Town centre  Mobile phone theft, robberies, pickpocketing still happening around Cutty Sark Gardens/New Capital Quay (outside Waitrose)/Riverside/Creek Road – please be aware of your surroundings and when using phone.  Large gatherings around Cutty Sark gardens have been happening at weekends. These have turned unsavoury at times so please be careful if in the vicinity if they happen again. Other local areas Anti Social Behaviour including drugs reported on The Point. Please continue to report to pol...

ATA Gardening on Sunday

Aren't the gardens and green spaces looking good at the moment? It would be good to see some new faces, if you are able to join us, on Sunday June 27th to do some gardening. We are meeting at the planter on Ashburnham Retreat at 10.30am. Sara

Greenwich Neighbourhood Watch week

Greenwich Neighbourhood Watch week begins on Monday, June 7th. There will be a week of organised events online which will provide tips on different aspects of personal security. Register now at

No bin collections until Monday June 7th

Details from the Council here

Half Term Fun

Wondering what do at Half-term?  The Greenwich Tour Guides are offering 75 minute fun and friendly family walks.   Our theme is “Greenwich Celebrates”! Discover the numerous celebrations and festivities that have been hosted in Greenwich over the years. Meet at the Bandstand in Greenwich Park and finish at the Cutty Sark.  Adults £12 Children £6 Concessions £10 Free quiz and certificate for all our intrepid walkers!

It's spring and it's back - the ATA Plant Swap returns

 This year's ATA Plant Swap starts at 11am on Saturday, May 29th in the play street (Ashburnham Retreat).  Bring your unwanted plants and take away something new. Come even if you have nothing to swap - there will be plenty. All welcome. Social distancing guidelines will be observed.

Safer Neighbourhood May update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met on Zoom on Tuesday 4th May. Below is a summary of that meeting:  Within the Triangle  Cowan House- continued thefts of parcels and bikes. If you live here, or in other households with a shared front door/intercom system, DO NOT buzz people in unless they are visiting you. Do not allow strangers to access communal areas.  Thefts of bikes- please ensure that bikes are locked securely. If you are unsure of how to do this, advice is readily available in bike shops or online . Bike theft has occurred recently in the triangle, with one instance happening at 2130 at night from a front garden (footage caught on a camera). If you live in a block of flats with a locked or underground car park in which to keep your bike, please remember to abide by the same bike locking advice.  Vehicle crime- active plain clothed police continue to patrol the triangle. However, please continue to ensure that you leave nothing of value your car ...

Resident parking permits go online

From 24 May anyone renewing an existing permit or applying for a new permit to park in a controlled parking zone (CPZ) in the Royal Borough of Greenwich will be able to do so conveniently online at a time that suits them. Waiting for paper permits will be a thing of the past as the new self-service system will instantly issue a virtual permit – which can’t be lost or stolen.   All applicants will need to do is create an account the first time that they use the service, upload their documents (dependent on the type of permit they’re applying for) and have a credit or debit card ready for payment.  Existing paper permits can still be used until they expire and then the owner will need to apply for a virtual permit. Paper permits can still be transferred to a new vehicle, replaced if lost, stolen or damaged and refunded if no longer needed. Carers’ permits will still be paper based but users will need to apply online.  From 10 May 2021 charges for parking permits, and s...

Gardening team activities resume

The ATA Gardening team is getting back into the swing of gardening with a session this Saturday (May 1st) meeting at 10.30 at the planter in Ashburnham Retreat (aka the play street).  They have also set a date for this spring's Plant Swap: 29th May.

The Ash is BACK!

The Ashburnham Arms is re-opening its doors today! The new opening times are Monday to Friday 4pm – 11pm Saturday & Sunday 1pm to 11pm Just a reminder; Every person 16 and over must check in on the NHS Test and Trace App or leave your details on the sign in sheets on arrival The Rule of 6 applies all of the time Outside seating only until May 17th at the earliest Table Service only; you must be seated while ordering, drinking and eating (kitchen opens later this week) As they're operating in the garden are only, please wrap up warm. The pub only has a few fully sheltered tables if the weather is wet. For this reason they're taking bookings on daily basis only. Fingers crossed for some nice dry warm weather!

Get tested!

Now that restrictions are reducing and we are moving to the next stage of the roadmap many of us are likely to be leaving the home more often and meeting up with more people. To reduce the risk of spreading the virus, the government has made free rapid testing available twice a week to everyone in England. To keep the virus rates low, please make twice weekly rapid testing part of your weekly routine. You can pick up free kits there to use at home, too. There are several sites across the borough open Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 5pm. The nearest one to the Ashburnham Triangle is Daniel Defoe House by the main entrance for Greenwich DLR station. 

Vaccination reminder

Please book your COVID-19 vaccine this Easter. Appointments are available to all over 50s and those in high-risk groups. Call 119 or book online at Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination - NHS ( For more information about the local testing and vaccination facilities please visit the special Greenwich Council site here

The pandemic - one year on

The pandemic means so many things to so many people - from heart breaking personal tragedy, working in the most stressful circumstances, to coming together as a community to help those most in need – the list is endless. It’s also hard to believe that it’s a year after the first national lockdown brought everyday life to a standstill in the UK. We’re asking residents to join us in the National Day of Reflection today (23 March) to mark one year on and reflect on all that’s happened in the past year, remember the hundreds of thousands of people who have died in the UK from COVID-19, and recognise the progress that has been made in the fight against this deadly virus. At 8pm Please shine a torch or candle from your window or doorway to light up the sky as a beacon of remembrance and hope for a brighter future. Then share your light using the hashtag #DayOfReflection - don’t forget to include @Royal_Greenwich.

Update on booking Covid-19 vaccinations in Greenwich

Yesterday marks 100 days since the NHS gave Maggie Keenan her first dose of the Covid-19 vaccination.   The NHS in Greenwich has now started vaccinating residents aged 50 and over.  If you are aged 50 and over, an eligible frontline health or social care worker, a main carer for someone at high risk from COVID-19*, have a learning disability, are clinically extremely vulnerable (high risk) or clinically vulnerable (moderate risk)                                             you can book your vaccine online at   or call 119  without needing an invitation. See the full list of priority groups here and guidance on frontline health or social care workers and the high or moderate risk categories here . *Carers can book online if you get a  Carer’s Allowance or you are listed as a carer in your GP records. Any carer who d...

Wellbeing and Mental Health support in Greenwich

From the Triangle's Community Champions:  We know that many people are having a difficult time at the moment. If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious or stressed, or worried about your wellbeing and mental health, please know you are not alone and there is support available. Here is a reminder of the wellbeing and mental health support that is available for adults in Greenwich. At the Live Well Greenwich hub you can find advice and support, whether you need a friendly chat, emotional support, or are struggling with day to day life and need help urgently. Visit Live Well Greenwich today. You can also call 0800 470 4831 for free to talk to a friendly, local advisor Monday- Saturday 8.30am – 6pm. Looking after your mental health has never been so important. More information about how to do this and what services are available for you are available at Free Your Mind . If you need more confidential help Qwell , offers a free, anonymous online counselling and emotional wellbeing servic...

COVID-19 testing in Greenwich

Mass Testing update from the Council To help reduce the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and reduce the risk of further lockdowns, we’re asking all residents from across the Royal Borough of Greenwich who do not have symptoms to get tested during March and April as part of our mass testing programme . Around one in three people with COVID-19 have no symptoms so could be spreading the disease without knowing it. We’ve set up sites across the borough and every household will need to book a free test online so we can manage queues at the sites and ensure everyone’s safety. Please get tested - it’s a really easy way to help keep your loved ones and Royal Greenwich safe. Look out for your letter for more information on when, where and how you can get tested, and visit Mass testing | Test and Trace | Royal Borough of Greenwich (

Greenwich Park Revealed springs to life

Work has begun on Greenwich Park Revealed, the £8 million-pound, 4-year project led by The Royal Parks to restore, protect, reveal and share our park’s natural and built heritage and provide new learning and leisure opportunities for local people.   The project was due to start last year, but was delayed by the pandemic. Work is finally underway with the recruitment of new staff and volunteers. Over the next four years, they plan to: Restore the park’s majestic, 17th Century landscape Protect wildlife habitats Put the community at the heart of it all, by creating new public space and creating new facilities such as a new sustainable learning centre.  Read more about the project here Royal Parks are now asking park users to comment on the revised plans for the learning centre and volunteer facilities, which will be submitted for planning permission this month. The consultation will run from Tuesday 23 Feb 2021 to Sunday 14 March 2021.

History Meeting in March

The next ATA history group meeting will be via Zoom on Wednesday 24 March at 7.30pm.  The meeting will last about an hour.  Margaret Luce will be giving a talk on The Charles Booth Notebooks: Ashburnham Triangle. Booth is famous for his London Poverty Maps and Notebooks. Margaret will look at what he said about some of the Triangle’s buildings, the people who lived in them and why some of the older buildings were demolished. She will take questions at the end of the talk. We will have time for a round up of local history programmes or websites you have found interesting and useful during lockdown, and finish with a look to future meetings. We may even be back at The Ash this summer. Let’s hope.  If you would like to join this or future meetings, please register your interest with Barbara Reid .

Safer Neighbourhood March update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met on Zoom on Tuesday 2nd March. Below is a summary of that meeting: Ward Survey Many thanks to those of you who completed the survey. Results will be collated and any relevant findings reported. Within the Triangle Bogus callers - do not answer your door if you are unsure and please report bogus callers to 101. If you feel that the caller was trying to gain entry to your property, call 999. Recent scams include people saying they work for the police or gas/water board etc. Vehicle crime - active plain clothed police operation within triangle within the last two months has helped to drive crime down. Please continue to ensure that you leave nothing of value your car and ensure that it is locked securely. If you do actually see this anyone attempting car doors etc, please call 999 immediately. In addition, if you have any CCTV or Ring footage, please send on to police. Greenwich Town centre Mobile phone theft, robberies, pickpocketing - a...

Late night caller-scam

Some residents have reported a man ringing their doors late at night (near midnight) asking for money to feed a gas/electricity meter. He says that he has a newborn child and works for a London hospital.  The police have reported that this is without doubt a scam. The advice is that gas key meters will always have an emergency facility so the gas could wait until daytime. Residents can call police down for incidents like this on 101 or 999 if you think it’s a matter of urgency. If anyone has any images from their RING or CCTV please feel to share and I will forward to the police. Also, the graffiti on the garage door outside Barnstaple House has been reported to the Council and should be removed shortly. Claire

Follow the Ashburnham Triangle Association on social media

 In addition to our Facebook page we are now on Twitter @Ashtriangle

UPDATED: Policing Survey

 Please could residents complete this community ward survey. This survey will serve to inform the Police of your views on crimes that affect you and shape the way that the Police in your area work. (Apologies if the link in the earlier email did not work correctly) Claire, ATA Security

New contact details for ATA website

 If you'd like to contact the web team for this site please email


– Mick Delap reports from the Triangle I watched for an hour on Sunday morning – the one reasonable bit of weather over the weekend. And saw 10 different kinds of birds. 7 of them were on the Triangle’s Top Ten list: Blue Tit, Great Tit, Feral Pigeon, Robin, Magpie, Ring-necked Parakeet, and Dunnock. Plus Goldfinch, Jay and Carrion Crow. By far the most common visitors over the hour were the Blue Tits. Certainly in my bit of the Triangle they proved to be by far the most common garden resident. It would be great to hear how others fared. Do please either post your results, or drop Mick an email with details. The Triangle Nature Watch group have plans for their own Garden Watch activities in the Spring and Autumn, and we need all the help we can get, so if you would like to be kept informed, let Mick know:

Triangle Birdwatch this weekend

This weekend is peak birdfeeder activity.  At least, that’s what the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the RSPB, hopes as the end of January is when it holds the  Big Garden Birdwatch .  The RSPB asks you to observe the birds that touch down on your garden, or on a nearby green patch, over a one-hour period any time this Friday 29th Jan, Saturday 30th, or Sunday 31st, then send in the results to the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch web site . (The site also has plenty of advice to help you identify different species) Mick Delap helped organise a similar Spring Nature Census last year, with the ATA Triangle Nature Watch group.  That showed that the Triangle’s most common garden visitor was the Great Tit, followed by Blue Tit, Feral (“Trafalgar Square”) Pigeon, and Wood Pigeon. By the beginning of winter the noisy Ring-necked Parakeet had pushed onto the list, plus regulars  Robin, Dunnock, Starling, Magpie and Blackbird (Seagulls and Carrion Crows are also seen...

Stolen mobile phones

There have been more reports of stolen phones this week in the town centre and outside Waitrose. Please be very cautious if you need to use your phone outside of the house. Claire, ATA Security

We are in lockdown until further notice

A reminder that the Clap for Heroes doorstep applause resumes tonight and every Thursday at 8pm

Safer neighbourhoods update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met by conference call on Tuesday 5th January. Below is a summary of that meeting:  Overall, since the first lockdown, crime is lower than the previous year. Within the Triangle  Parcel theft. Requires a community effort to help this, please take any parcels in for neighbours if you notice they have been left.  Vehicle crime continues in the Triangle particularly theft from vehicles. If you do actually see this happening please call 999 immediately. Please continue to ensure that you leave nothing of value your car and ensure that it is locked securely. .  Greenwich Town centre  Covid breaches – please remember distancing rules when in the more congested town centre. Police enforcement will step up in latest lockdown. Mobile phone use-robberies have occurred, including one outside Waitrose in the queue in daylight. Please be very vigilant when using your phone outside of home. Claire   ATA Security / Police Li...

COVID vaccine scam

Please be aware of the following vaccine scan which is being sent out via text message:

Covid vaccines for the over-80s at Guys

If you know anyone who is over 80 and waiting for the vaccination then Guy’s are offering appointments see following for criteria. They need their NHS number. Patients over the age of 80 and who live in one of the six boroughs of south east London (Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham, Southwark), we will be happy to vaccinate them. Please ask them to call 0207 188 4040 to book an appointment, or do so on their behalf.