
Showing posts from May, 2018

Action Fraud - TSB "port-out" fraud

There has been an increase in reports made in May by TSB customers relating to “port-out” fraud. Fraudsters are number porting a victim’s telephone number to a SIM card under their control and then using the number to access the victim’s bank accounts. The increase in the number of reports corresponds with the timing of TSB’s computer system update, which resulted in 1.9 million users being locked out of their accounts. Opportunistic fraudsters are using TSB’s system issue to target individuals, which follows the increase in phishing and smishing communications also targeting TSB customers this month. Victims’ bank account and personal details including their phone number are collected by the fraudster, providing them with the information to execute the fraud.  Number porting is a genuine service provided by telecommunication companies. It allows customers to keep their existing phone number and transfer it to a new SIM card. The existing network provider sends the custo...

Safer Neighbourhood Update

The Safer Neighbourhood Panel met on Thursday 24th May. At the meeting it was confirmed the South Pole nightclub, situated directly below the North Pole bar in Greenwich High Road, has had its licence revoked. The North Pole has over 30 conditions on its current licence and Osman Zinnureyn has been removed as the DPS (Designated Premises Supervisor). Below are the new opening hours for the North Pole: North Pole Mon - Wed:  Premises to close and clear of all patrons by midnight (no change to original licence) Thursday:  Premises to close and clear of all patrons by 12:30pm (no change to original licence) Fri & Sat :  Premises to close and clear of all patrons by 01:00am (a reduction of 2 hours from original licence) Sunday:  Premises to close and clear of all patrons by 11:00pm (no change to the bar but a reduction of half an hour to the restaurant). MOPAC stats suggest there is a rise in burglary including theft from outhouses such as sheds and ga...

Appeal for Information from Greenwich Police

Do you recognise these men? They are wanted by the Police in connection with a recent burglary with assault. These pictures were taken on the junction of Royal Hill and Prior Street outside Topham House Flats (The Hill Restaurant is opposite):   As mentioned in our Safer Neighbourhood update on 18 April, two men used unnecessary force to enter a home in Prior Street, pushing the homeowner to the floor and demanded her bank card pin number. Other items, including jewellery and IT equipment were also stolen. If you recognise the above individuals please contact the police: Call or text on 07825 273811 Tweet @MPSGreenwich Email Your cooperation is appreciated. Tina Pugh Security 

Dartmouth shop appeal deadline 1st June

The future of the empty antiques shop at the top of Blackheath Hill is coming to a critical point. On one side the site owners, Oceanview Properties, want to convert it into flats, while on the other side a group of local activists, Dartmouth Hill Community Shop Ltd, want to run it as a community meeting place, shop and café. If you would like to make any comment to the Inspectorate as they review this case, please email: , quoting reference APP/C5690/C5960/W/18/3199558. Please note that the deadline for submissions is June 1st 2018. Information regarding the case of the Dartmouth Hill Community Shop committee can be found here .

Deptford Art Crawl Sat 26th May, 12pm - 7pm

In May [ART&CRITIQUE], a London-based alternative art education network, is visiting Deptford for a day of discussions on art and gentrification. Join them for a tour of galleries, studios, community spaces and landmarks on a walk along the streets, waterways, green spaces and new developments. They will meet artists, curators and activists to explore how they are resisting or overcoming the displacement of communities and the shrinking of public and creative spaces. Meet them at 12noon inside Deptford Rail Station (Deptford High Street, London SE8 3NUAll, booking not required) or join them along the way. Please scroll down for the itinerary and a map of the route. More information and a detailed map are available at I came to London, I was very lucky, at a time when you could still squat in central London and survive here and have enough space to have a studio to work. But now, young artists coming to London – where would they even ...

Cutty Sark Gardens Festival this Friday-Monday, 25-28 May


Safer Neighbourhood Panel Meeting and Mobile Phone Crime

There will be a Safer Neighbourhood Panel Meeting this Thursday 24th May which involves local police, councillors, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators together with the ATA security representative. If there are any issues or concerns you would like raised at this meeting then please email Also, we need to report a local resident was subject to mobile phone theft last Friday along Greenwich High Road. The phone was snatched by assailants on a moped, causing the victim to fall to the ground and incur injury. This type of crime is becoming increasingly popular within London and, unfortunately, within Greenwich, especially at busy locations such as within the high street and outside the DLR and train station. Often victims are approached from behind while talking or texting on phones. Criminals on mopeds or bicycles may mount the pavement to grab the phone or snatch it from the road. Sometimes when it’s a moped, a pillion passenger will snatch it. Follow ...

Your data and the Ashburnham Triangle Association

Dear ATA Member You may be aware that the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect in the UK on 25th May. We therefore want to make sure that you are absolutely clear about the data the Ashburnham Triangle Association holds and how we use it. This is as follows: We record and hold members’ names and email addresses and, if provided, property addresses so that we can distribute the ATA discount card to households who apply for it Postal addresses are only used by us to confirm the location of households requesting the cards and are not shared with any other companies We use our membership email distribution list to automatically email new information relating to the Ashburnham Triangle area and ATA activities as posted regularly on the ATA website, We may also, from time to time, use the ATA mailing list to elicit voluntary feedback from our membership to develop a better understanding of members’ interests relating to the Associa...

Four poets at WG Library May 22nd

Irena Hill says: Tuesday May 22  at West Greenwich Library :  Four Poets Cinnamon Press are back to present four very different poets. Frank Dullagan, Neil Elder, Daphne Gloag and Robin Thomas will read from, respectively,  Lifting the Latch ,  The Space between Us ,  How Long is Not Long?  and  Momentary Turmoil . This is a free event with refreshments provided (donations welcome).

'Monday night is the new black'

... says ATA chair Chris Ward. And: 'Please don’t forget that this  coming Monday  is the ATA AGM. It’s at  7.30 pm  in the Gallery Room, West Greenwich Community Centre. Please come along - it's about and for local people. We have plans to share and spaces to fill. Come and have your say. And did I mention there will be wine? See you Monday.'

The ATA needs a secretary

Imogene Russell says: Last September I retired from being ATA secretary and from t he Events Team that runs the street party,   after a very happy stint of seven years in both.  It's time for someone else to have a turn. I recommend it - it's good fun. I shall still put out posts. Nominations for secretary would be welcome before or at the AGM this Monday, and n ew members of the Events Team are always welcome. The AGM is Monday  21st May, 7.30pm - 9.30pm, at the Gallery in Greenwich West Community & Arts Centre (aka West Greenwich House), 141 Greenwich High Road, SE10 8JA.  Nominations to chairman Chris Ward at or to vice-chairman Robin Stott at

Plant swap Saturday 19th, gardening Sunday 20th

Saturday 19th, Plant Swap in the Play Street, 11.30am-1pm. Sunday 20th, gardening at 75 Ashburnham Grove and the Play Street planter, 10am-12pm.

Living In London Exhibition at West Greenwich Library Until 26th May 2018


Squatters and waves on Royal Hill

Wendy Anne Pajak says: There may be squatters in the Greenwich Dance Academy, but there is a great exhibition in the photographers' gallery next door. The Greenwich Gallery says: The exhibition 'Sea in the City' by Ross Andrews, 10th May - 23rd May, brings the sea and the coastline together. Ross pushes himself physically to capture the life and power of the sea.

New train timetables for 20th May out now in hard copy

Neil Sinclair writes: It’s the arrival at Greenwich that you’ve been waiting a long time for - as well as your next Southeastern train! This is the new timetable for 20th May onwards: you can pick it up now at Greenwich and some other booking offices on Southeastern routes. There's also the separate mini booklet for the Thameslink trains that will call at Greenwich twice an hour. The new timetables run through to 8th December. They've been available on line for a few weeks, but for those who like old-fashioned hard copy, collect yours before stocks run out.

Plant swap Saturday 19th


So trains CAN run from here to Charing Cross!

Neil Sinclair asks: Were you one of the thousands of us who reluctantly believed it would be impossible for trains to run again from Greenwich to Charing Cross after the redevelopment of London Bridge station? Did you swallow Southeastern's claim that this route would be completely ruled out by “disentanglement” of tracks and signalling on the approaches to London Bridge? If you were, and you travelled up to London over the bank holiday weekend, you would have been surprised to see that all trains passing through Greenwich were terminating at Charing Cross. Cannon Street was closed. Clearly direct services to Waterloo East and Charing Cross are still logistically possible.

RUVMUSIC at The Village Café – Friday 11th May

The Village Church opens its doors this Friday, 11th May 2018 @7.30pm for its first music night at THE VILLAGE CAFÉ, 10 Devonshire Drive, SE10 8LA, featuring RUV Music acoustic performance. Ru is an independent, pop/soul instrumentalist singer songwriter. Her songs include a mix of intriguing funky rhythms, with catchy pop melodies and jazz-influenced scat solos. Rodrigo Ramoazzo is The Village Café’s creative director and explains that the Café is where different musicians come to perform their music and tell a little bit about their story. The Village Café will host performances once a month and is open to everyone. £5 entry, drinks will be served.

Ash cricket team wins this week

Ash cricket team captain Simon Hall of Egerton Drive says: In the Ash after Thursday's match, cricketers (from left)  Simon Hall, Charlie Shaw, and Adam Deal  point to this season's fixture list  The Ashburnham Arms Cricket Club got their 2018 Twenty20 season off to a great start on Thursday evening with a 9-run victory over strong local rivals Crusaders. Put in to bat on a well-prepared but soft wicket, the Ash scored a modest 88 for 3 off their 20 overs. Some controlled slow bowling and careful field placing then saw Crusaders all out for 79. If you'd like to join us for Thursday evening cricket in the Park, please contact club secretary David Dines ( )

Correction: the ATA AGM is on 21st MAY

ATA get together, free cake and wine The date:     MONDAY, 21 ST  MAY 2018 The time:     7.30pm (for 2 hours) The place:    the Gallery, Greenwich West Community & Arts Centre                     141 Greenwich High Road, SE10 8UH

ATA get together, free cake and wine, 21st June

Chris Ward, Chair of the ATA, says: Well actually it’s our 2018 AGM. Now these are far from formal and stuffy. We aim to reflect the vibrancy and pace of our community. The Ashburnham Triangle community (as defined by the Council) is estimated to be around 3,000. That’s 3,000 lives living, working, playing in the area and the pace of change is rampant. New developments, new businesses, new attractions, new safety concerns, new opportunities. It’s our job to make sure you have your say in what goes on and voice any comments or concerns you have, as well as bringing us together as a community. Our AGM is the one point in the year when all the parts of the ATA get together and talk about plans for the future. So please, don’t write it off, come and join in, have your say. We have events to talk about, we have new initiatives to discuss, we have positions we’d like volunteers for, and we’d really like to hear from you. So come along, there is cake and wine - yes...