
Showing posts from February, 2020

Help the Triangle go green in 2020

Our Environment & Gardening team have announced the following dates for the year: Gardening:   15 March 10am 10 April  (Good  Friday,  time to be announced) 14 June 10am 18 July 2pm 23 Aug 10am 13 Sept 10am 17 Oct 2pm Plant swap   Sunday 10 May  morning Daffodil planting 14 Nov As far as environmental issues and action, we are linking with other groups and will publicise through the ATA . We may have an event next Autumn/Winter. Do let us know if you have any ideas or a willing to help. For more information email Sara Emanuel 

Police Drop-in

There is a Greenwich West Police Drop-in on Tuesday 25th February at Frank Smith Room in St Alfege Church Hall (at the rear of the church), Greenwich Church Street SE10. This is between 1pm and 2pm. Please come in and speak to police regarding any issues you may have.

EE Scam Alert

Please be aware of a current scam text that appears to be from EE. The message reads as follows: “EE: We were unable to process your latest bill. In order to avoid fees, update your billing information” . A link is provided at the end of the text but if you click the link in the text, they’ll ask for bank details & are in a position to clean your account out. EE are not the only provider/customers they are targeting. O2 are also having the same problem and both providers are trying to put a stop to it. You can report the text free of charge to EE (or whichever provider it has supposedly come from) by forwarding the text and number it has come from to 7726. If you receive a text like this please report it to your provider. Never give your details out. Always check with your provider directly first using their official customers service number. Tina Pugh ATA Security / Police Liaison Email: Emergency dial 999 Non Emergency dial 101 Gre...

History Group

The notes from February’s History Group meeting may be found here .

Still Life Workshop

There’s a Still Life Drawing Workshop with Dawn Harverson, artist and stylist this weekend. Takes place at her  home on Egerton Drive on Saturday 22nd of February from 14:00-16:00. More details can be found here

Have your say on the Council's bin collection proposals

If you have not done so already please consider completing this survey regarding Greenwich Council’s bin collections proposal. They are considering reducing service and charging for things like green wheelie bins. Fill out the consultation and tell them your thoughts on how proposed changes to our bin collections would affect you.

DoubleTree Hotel on Catherine Grove

You may be aware that the Council have served a Planning Breach of Condition on the Hotel over their continued use of Catherine Grove for their coaches and delivery vehicles arriving and carrying out servicing etc on the street which isn't currently permitted. The Hotel has had to resubmit revised Servicing and Transport Plans in a new application which can be found on the Council's Planning Portal  (the reference is 19/4348/MA). The target decision date for the application is 17th February 2020 and any comments you wish to make in regard to it should be sent in as soon as possible and before that date to be able to fully considered.

History meeting

The next ATA History Group meeting will be on Monday 10 February in the back room of the Ashburnham Arms at 7.30pm. The meeting will feature a talk by Triangle resident Neil Sinclair. Neil is going to kick off the theme of Triangle Lives with a talk on the journalist, author, playwright and film scriptwriter Edgar Wallace. Wallace was born illegitimately into poverty in Ashburnham Grove in 1875. Despite leaving school at 12, he rose to great acclaim and fortune as a novelist and scriptwriter. Wallace’s eventful and colourful life ended far from its beginning in a terraced house in Greenwich. He died in 1932 in Beverley Hills, California while working on the script of Hollywood blockbuster King Kong . Please join us for a drink. There will be an update on our other projects and please bring ideas for future talks.

Spring Lectures at The Brookmill

Our Environmental and Gardening Group have informed us of a series of Spring lectures at the Brookmill pub that may be of interest to our members. Full details here .

A carbon neutral Greenwich by 2030 and cleaner streets

Many of us are thinking about what more we can do about the Climate Emergency how we can keep our streets free of litter and graffiti. We can work with the Council on both of these issues. Climate Emergency Network The Council is setting up a Climate Emergency Network as part of the work it is doing to become carbon neutral by 2030. See here for details.  The Council says that the reason for setting up the network is: “about 25% of the borough’s total emissions come from the council’s offices, vehicles and housing, so we need everyone’s help to step up to the carbon neutral challenge. Everyone can make a difference and together we can tackle the climate crisis.” When you join the Network you’ll get information about what you can do to reduce your carbon emissions. The Council will send you updates about what steps they are taking, and give you the opportunity to do your bit for Greenwich. Please sign up to the Climate Emergency Network , it only takes a min...

Watch OUT Watch OUT....Car thieves about

Sounds obvious, but please make sure you fully lock your car when you leave your vehicle. Over the past two days, two cars in the Triangle have had possessions stolen as the vehicles were not locked. We know thieves are operating in this area as two different individuals have been captured on camera trying car door handles in the early hours of the morning. They got lucky on several occasions this week and gained entry to cars in Ashburnham Place and Ashburnham Grove. REMEMBER Don't just rely on your key fob to lock your vehicle. Before you walk away, double check your car door and boot is fully locked.  Don't attract thieves by NEVER leaving anything on show in the car, especially a bag or even a coat on the passenger or back seat. Police have advised to leave your glove compartment open to show would be thieves there is nothing to steal. Tina Pugh ATA Security / Police Liaison Email: Emergency dial 999 Non Emergency dia...