Triangle Tree survey
Well, May, with its green fizz, and its tuneful blackbirds, has gone. It’s a time when the number and variety of trees in the Triangle always surprises – and excites. So waking up the other day to the sound of a chain saw was depressing. We know so little about the Triangle’s trees. And it would be tragic to lose them while our backs were turned. When the first Lockdown arrived, in spring 2020, a group of Triangle residents started sharing observations of Triangle birds – which produced a Birds of the Ashburnham Triangle Check List of 35 species. You can see it on our Green page). But how many species of trees do we have? And what are the stand outs? The largest, the oldest, the rarest? Your favourite? I think I may know the tallest. And the current guardian of what we think is the oldest – a Mulberry that may be as much as 300 years old – tells me that under his care, it’s hanging on. Just. Surely time, in this tree-oriented Jubilee year, for Triangle Tree Check List – to set alongside the Bird Check List.
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