
Showing posts from December, 2020

Revised bin collection dates

The Triangle’s next collection is on Wednesday, December 30th and the first one of the New Year is on Tuesday, January 5th. 

Triangle History Team update

Barbara Reid writes:  It has been a long time since we have been able to meet at the Ash and it’s likely to be some time before we can gather again so I am organising a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 20 January at 7.30. The meeting will last approximately one hour. A link to the meeting will be sent nearer the time.  I will be giving a short talk on the history of the Roan Schools in Greenwich and Mick Delap will give an update on the Creek.  Some of our ideas/plans have had to be put on hold but we can discuss where we are at. 

Tunnel update

Work at the Greenwich Pumping Station site has progressed well this past year. They have successfully launched Tunnel Boring Machine Annie and are now on their way to creating the 4.5km Greenwich connection tunnel, from Greenwich Pumping Station to Chambers Wharf in Bermondsey.  Annie has already successfully tunnelled through 4.5m of ground and built 5 rings, as pictured below. The site is now closed and will restart on 4 January 2021. Site security staff and CCTV will remain in operation, as will the 24-hour Tideway Helpdesk, which you can contact to speak to a member of the team, sign up for email updates from the site or find out about community liaison working group meetings.   In the new year they will continue tunnelling throughout 2021.

What “Tier 4” means


Children’s walks cancelled

Due to the introduction of Tier 4 Covid-19 rules, Greenwich Tour Guides have very regrettably been obliged to cancel their festive celebration themed walks. Greenwich guides apologise for any disappointment caused.

COVID-19 Vaccine in Greenwich

The first phase of the NHS COVID-19 vaccination programme has begun in Greenwich with the first vaccinations provided this week.  The COVID-19 (coronavirus) vaccine is safe and effective and gives the best protection against coronavirus. The NHS will be in touch when it's your turn to be vaccinated. Please help us by not contacting your GP surgery or other NHS service asking for the vaccination.  This is a long-term vaccination programme and it will likely take until at least Spring before all high-risk groups have been offered a COVID-19 vaccine. When you are contacted and offered the vaccination, please attend your booked appointment. In the meantime; remember to continue to follow the recommended guidance including  regularly washing your hands,  wearing a mask  keeping a safe distance.  Help us control the virus and save lives. Find out more about the COVID-19 Vaccine at

Car crime in the Triangle

A reminder has come from the local Safer Neighbourhood police officers following a spate of local car break ins. Please ensure that cars are locked and that no valuables are on display (ideally remove them from the vehicle). If anyone has any images of people acting suspiciously over recent nights, please share with the police. Claire ATA Security

CANCELLED Hugely popular children's walks in Greenwich return

UPDATE Due to the introduction of Tier 4 Covid-19 rules, Greenwich Tour Guides have very regrettably been obliged to cancel their festive celebration themed walks. Greenwich guides apologise for any disappointment caused. The official Greenwich tour guides children's walks that proved so popular at half-term are back over the Christmas and New Year period. They are running on selected days special walks under the theme Festive Celebrations. Details of the walks can be found here on Eventbrite where bookings can be made (up to a max of six people - including free children's places - due to new Covid Tier 3 rules).

Doorstep Charity Collections

A resident has reported callers at his door claiming to be raising money for GOSH for a child’s operation.  It is difficult for the charity to confirm if he is genuine without knowing further details so we would advise residents if they are unsure then not to donate any money on the doorstep.  If someone does return then you could ask if they are happy to confirm name and postcode so that the charity could check their records for any fundraisers that they are aware of or if they have a fundraising page that is automatically linked to GOSH Charity so that all donations would go straight to the charity.  Residents can also make donations online via charity websites to reassure them that their donation is going to the correct place. If you do have any concerns that this may be a scam then we would also recommend contacting the local police to register this with them. Claire  ATA Security 

Announcing the Greenwich Community Hub

Greenwich Community Hub During the pandemic, it has become even more important to share and understand information about the virus to protect residents across the borough. The Community Champions initiative, run in partnership with the Royal Borough of Greenwich and the NHS, aims to co-ordinate efforts in sharing good advice and correct information so you can protect yourselves and your families. We will be sharing this information with you a few times a week. Please share it amongst your networks, family and friends. Sara & Lysanne     If you can’t go out and don’t have any family, friends or neighbours around to talk to or help, then contact the Greenwich Community Hub. The Community Hub has helped thousands of people during the pandemic and is still here for you. Get support around accessing food, money issues, housing issues, staying warm in winter, healthy mind and body, social activities, volunteering, training and employment, and more. Call 0800 470 4831 to talk to ...

The Ash is back!

The Christmas tree is up, the logs are on the fire, they've remodelled the back garden and there's a new outside heater. All service under Tier 2 rules. Opening times: Tuesday - Friday 4.30pm - 11pm Saturday 1pm - 11pm Sunday 1pm - 10.30pm Book a table on 020 8355 5141