Car crime in the Triangle

There has been a marked increase in car crime over the past few weeks. There was a uniformed patrol today of the triangle and the police commented on the visibility of belongings including handbags in cars. 

Please remember to remove everything from cars. Even a suction mark on a windscreen where a satnav has been is enough for somebody to smash a window. 

Do not leave anything, e.g. wires, glasses cases etc visible at all and take all belongings inside. Please warn all visitors. We are trying to get signs put on the metered areas. Please also warn builders as there has been tools taken from a van in Egerton on Tuesday 11 whilst they were working in the house.

If you or a visitor does suffer a smashed window, please do report this online or on 101 as soon as possible.

Please also report any suspicious individuals you see. 

If you have any footage from ring doorbells that you think is relevant please send through to the Safer Neighbourhood Team.


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