Greenwich Open Studios, June 11/12,18/19
John Bangs: Diamond Terrace For two weekends running a group of local artists open their private doors and show you their work. And some of them offer you a drink too. They are painters, print-makers, collagists, pastellists, and include a jeweller, a sculptor, a potter and a photographer. Here is the list of names. For addresses, see John Bangs is the nearest, in Blissett Street, but the farthest aren't far. Weekends of 11th/12th, 18th/19th June, 2pm to 6pm FIONA ATHANASSAKI JOHN BANGS COLIN BOOTHMAN BASIA BURROUGH NICOLA CORRIGAN TIM COUSINS KATHY DRAKE JULIA FABREGA JULIA GODSIFF IAIN HERDMAN JOHN-ERIC JOHNSON KATE HONE Y JANEY JONES CAROL KENNA STEVEN LOBB SEM LONGHURS T ELAINE MARSHALL ...