
Showing posts from May, 2016

Greenwich Open Studios, June 11/12,18/19

John Bangs: Diamond Terrace For two weekends running a group of local artists open their private doors and show you their work. And some of them offer you a drink too. They are painters, print-makers, collagists, pastellists, and include a jeweller, a sculptor, a potter and a photographer. Here is the list of names. For addresses, see John Bangs is the nearest, in Blissett Street, but the farthest aren't far. Weekends of 11th/12th, 18th/19th June, 2pm to 6pm FIONA  ATHANASSAKI JOHN BANGS COLIN BOOTHMAN BASIA BURROUGH NICOLA CORRIGAN TIM COUSINS KATHY DRAKE JULIA FABREGA JULIA GODSIFF IAIN HERDMAN JOHN-ERIC JOHNSON KATE HONE Y JANEY JONES CAROL KENNA STEVEN LOBB SEM LONGHURS T ELAINE MARSHALL ...

Recruiting for TV series Back in Time

The makers of the hit series Back In Time For Dinner and Back In Time for the Weekend  are looking in this area for a fun, food-loving family to go on an adventure back in time. Guided by the experiences of real families in the early 20th century, one family will be fast-forwarded (or perhaps fast-backed) through 50 years of packed history to explore how we lived and what we ate. If you’re interested, please email for details on how to apply.  Families must be UK residents with at least two children of 8 or over, preferably including a teenager.

Changes to bin collection dates over the Spring Bank Holiday

Usual collection day Revised collection day Bank holiday Monday 30 May 2016 Tuesday 31 May 2016 Tuesday 31 May 2016 Wednesday 1 June 2016 Wednesday 1 June 2016 Thursday 2 June 2016 Thursday 2 June 2016 Friday 3 June 2016 Friday 3 June 2016 Saturday 4 June 2016 Monday 6 June 2016 Normal collection

ATA emails

If anyone believes that they’re missing out on the regular Ashburnham Triangle Association emails that go out several times a week please can you email with your details and we’ll update our records. Thanks

Derek Fordham awarded Polar Medal

Derek Fordham Dipl Arch Hons, RIBA, FRGS of Ashburnham Grove was awarded a Polar Medal by the Queen this year for ‘outstanding achievement and service to the United Kingdom in the field of polar research’ as ‘Arctic Expedition leader, mountaineer and ambassador’, reports The Arctic Club. Derek was ATA Planning Rep for many years, still helps the ATA with planning, and spent a good two hours on gate duty at last year’s street party. He kept the ATA from extinction throughout a long dormant period before it re-emerged in 2006, and at that time was responsible (with two others) for closing off the play street. They physically built the planters at either end, with Derek supplying the bricks. He is also an executive member of The Greenwich Society and leads their Hacan group opposing aeroplane noise. The Arctic Club is more interested in his polar exploits. It reports, ‘Derek’s involvement with the Arctic began in 1968 and 1969 when he organised university mountaineering c...

Plants in the play street Saturday 21st May

Want any plants? Got any plants to pass on? Want to have a word with ATA gardeners? They’ll be in Ashburnham Retreat next to the Ashburnham Arms from 11.30 to 1pm on Saturday 21st May. You don’t have to come armed with plants to swap. If you see anything you like, small amounts of money will do. It’ll go either to charity or back into gardening in the Triangle. You can ask the gardeners about the forest garden in the play street raised bed, or their greening of corners of the Triangle and local hostel gardens. They usually garden once a month for a couple of hours, and, if you’d like to take part, you’d be welcomed: contact Sara Emanuel on Tea and coffee or stronger at the Ash from 12pm   

2016 ATA Security Leaflet

Here is an electronic version of our new security leaflet which is being distributed to all households within the Ashburnham Triangle. We hope you find the leaflet useful and informative. 2016 ATA Security Leaflet PDF Tina Pugh - Security Hub

Latest Safer Neighbourhoods News on Burglaries and the Lebanese Loop

At the most recent meeting of the Safer Neighbourhoods Panel held on Thursday 28th April 2016, the police have advised us of several burglaries and other security issues. There was a burglary in Devonshire Drive and two on Royal Hill/Blissett Street, (Darnell House and Renbold House respectively), it appears that they got in via the front door on Royal Hill and Blissett street. In Devonshire Drive they got in through the bay windows via the basement door but fortunately nothing was taken as the burglar was disturbed by the owners. These burglaries all took place on 26th April between 04:00 and 18:12 hours. People in residential blocks of flats are advised to be particularly vigilant when letting people in and to check that fire doors are locked shut. At the same meeting, an increase in moped, bike theft and car crime was reported. ATMs at banks in Greenwich Town Centre including NatWest, HSBC, and others have been targeted by scammers using a device known as the “Lebanese Loop” to com...

Cruise liners: diesel generators or electricity from shore?

Should large cruise liners be allowed to emit nitrogen oxide from their diesel engines while docked at Enderby Wharf in Greenwich? Last week the House of Commons cross-party Environment Select Committee (ESC) said not, but the High Court has yet to rule on the matter. Residents want ships to turn their engines off while berthed and instead to use electricity from power lines from the shore, to keep the air clean. Developers say this is an expense, and troublesome to instal, so not commercially viable. Greenwich Council agreed with the developers and gave permission for power to be generated by the ships’ own auxiliary engines, whereas, by contrast, the ESC’s view is that “Planning permissions for new shipping facilities must require appropriate mitigation measures from developers. This should include, where practicable, a requirement to provide infrastructure to supply electricity to ships at berth.” Enderby will have the capacity to handle 12-deck high ships. D...

Revised collection date over the May Day bank holiday

Usual collection day Bank holiday Monday 2 May 2016 Revised collection day  Tuesday 3 May 2016