Latest Safer Neighbourhoods News on Burglaries and the Lebanese Loop

At the most recent meeting of the Safer Neighbourhoods Panel held on Thursday 28th April 2016, the police have advised us of several burglaries and other security issues.

There was a burglary in Devonshire Drive and two on Royal Hill/Blissett Street, (Darnell House and Renbold House respectively), it appears that they got in via the front door on Royal Hill and Blissett street. In Devonshire Drive they got in through the bay windows via the basement door but fortunately nothing was taken as the burglar was disturbed by the owners. These burglaries all took place on 26th April between 04:00 and 18:12 hours. People in residential blocks of flats are advised to be particularly vigilant when letting people in and to check that fire doors are locked shut.

At the same meeting, an increase in moped, bike theft and car crime was reported.

ATMs at banks in Greenwich Town Centre including NatWest, HSBC, and others have been targeted by scammers using a device known as the “Lebanese Loop” to commit fraud and identity theft. This device blocks the ATM's card slot causing any inserted card to be retained by the machine which the fraudster then retrieves when the card holder leaves. This scam is a particular problem in countries with high numbers of ATMs such as the UK and is becoming one of the simplest and most widespread of ATM fraud. Please be extra vigilant when using card machines and if in doubt, use the machine inside the bank if possible and report any suspicious activity to the Bank and Police.

Our new Security Leaflet is in the process of being distributed to households in the Triangle and gives a number of useful tips on scams and bogus callers as well as burglary crime prevention advice. A copy will be posted online shortly and we would welcome any feedback.

You can read the minutes of the last Safer Neighbourhoods Panel Meeting dated 3rd February 2016 here.
WGSNT Minutes Feb 2016

David Scales/Tina Pugh - Security Hub


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