Safer Neighbourhood March update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met on Zoom on Tuesday 2nd March. Below is a summary of that meeting:

Ward Survey

Many thanks to those of you who completed the survey. Results will be collated and any relevant findings reported.

Within the Triangle

Bogus callers- do not answer your door if you are unsure and please report bogus callers to 101. If you feel that the caller was trying to gain entry to your property, call 999. Recent scams include people saying they work for the police or gas/water board etc.

Vehicle crime- active plain clothed police operation within triangle within the last two months has helped to drive crime down. Please continue to ensure that you leave nothing of value your car and ensure that it is locked securely.

If you do actually see this anyone attempting car doors etc, please call 999 immediately. In addition, if you have any CCTV or Ring footage, please send on to police.

Greenwich Town centre

Mobile phone theft, robberies, pickpocketing- around Cutty Sark Gardens/New Capital Quay (outside Waitrose)/Riverside/Creek Road- be aware of your surroundings and when using phone. Thefts have been committed by individuals on bikes or escooters and can happen very quickly so do not take chances.

Graffiti- recent graffiti attacks were cleared up very quickly by council and volunteers. If you would like to support cleaning up graffiti, please let us know and we will pass your details on, some materials and training will be provided.

Theft of pedal cycles- Please ensure cycles are locked securely to immovable objects and with good quality locks. This will deter thieves.

Scammers- do not give money to any individuals on the street, however convincing their stories are. Report to 101.

E scooters
Reminder to residents that these are for use on private roads only and should not be used on public roads or footpaths without relevant insurance and tax. Police in the Borough will be stopping individuals using them.


ATA Security / Police Liaison


Emergency dial 999

Non-Emergency dial 101

Greenwich Safer Neighbourhood Team: 020 8284 5494 (not 24 hour)



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