Safer Neighbourhood May update

The Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhoods Panel met on Zoom on Tuesday 4th May. Below is a summary of that meeting: 

Within the Triangle 

Cowan House- continued thefts of parcels and bikes. If you live here, or in other households with a shared front door/intercom system, DO NOT buzz people in unless they are visiting you. Do not allow strangers to access communal areas. 

Thefts of bikes- please ensure that bikes are locked securely. If you are unsure of how to do this, advice is readily available in bike shops or online. Bike theft has occurred recently in the triangle, with one instance happening at 2130 at night from a front garden (footage caught on a camera). If you live in a block of flats with a locked or underground car park in which to keep your bike, please remember to abide by the same bike locking advice. 

Vehicle crime- active plain clothed police continue to patrol the triangle. However, please continue to ensure that you leave nothing of value your car and ensure that it is locked securely.   

If you do actually see this anyone attempting car doors etc, please call 999 immediately. In addition, if you have any CCTV or Ring footage, please send on to police.

Greenwich Town centre 

Mobile phone theft, robberies, pickpocketing still happening around Cutty Sark Gardens/New Capital Quay (outside Waitrose)/Riverside/Creek Road- be aware of your surroundings and when using phone. Thefts have been committed by individuals on bikes or e-scooters and can happen very quickly so do not take chances. 

Continued Theft of pedal cycles, especially from Cutty Sark Gardens. Please ensure cycles are locked securely to immovable objects and with good quality locks. This will deter thieves.

Please continue to abide by current Covid regulations with regards to social distancing. 


Reminder to residents that these are for use on private roads only and should not be used on public roads or footpaths without relevant insurance and tax. Police in the borough have been stopping individuals using them. 


ATA Security / Police Liaison  


Emergency dial 999  

Non Emergency dial 101  

Greenwich Safer Neighbourhood Team: 020 8284 5494 (not 24 hour)  



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