History meeting on August 12th
The next ATA History group meeting is this Thursday from 7.30pm. Barbara writes:
It seems a long time since our last meeting on zoom back in March. I have been waiting to see how things would develop over the summer and to see if we could meet up in person rather than on zoom. Our usual venue, the back room at the Ashburnham Arms is a great location and I hope we can be back there before too long but it’s a smallish space and I'm aware that at the present time this might prevent some people from coming to a meeting so with that in mind I have booked a larger venue:
West Greenwich Library for Thursday 12 August 7.30pm.
The main item is a talk by historian Ann Dingsdale on a remarkable woman, Marie Celeste de Casteras Sinibaldi, who in the 1860s lived at 1 South Villas, Greenwich South Street. She signed the 1866 women's suffrage petition and took out several very interesting engineering patents in the early 1860s including one for improvements in the manufacture of armour plates for ships fortifications and forts.
Ann Dingsdale is a historian who has published her research into the 1866 women's suffrage petition. She is also a textile artist, mudlark, gardener and genealogist.
Please let me know if you are thinking of coming so I can get an idea of how many seats to put out and how to space them.
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