ATA get together, free cake and wine, 21st June

Chris Ward, Chair of the ATA, says:

Well actually it’s our 2018 AGM.

Now these are far from formal and stuffy. We aim to reflect the vibrancy and pace of our community.

The Ashburnham Triangle community (as defined by the Council) is estimated to be around 3,000.

That’s 3,000 lives living, working, playing in the area and the pace of change is rampant. New developments, new businesses, new attractions, new safety concerns, new opportunities.

It’s our job to make sure you have your say in what goes on and voice any comments or concerns you have, as well as bringing us together as a community. Our AGM is the one point in the year when all the parts of the ATA get together and talk about plans for the future. So please, don’t write it off, come and join in, have your say.

We have events to talk about, we have new initiatives to discuss, we have positions we’d like volunteers for, and we’d really like to hear from you.

So come along, there is cake and wine - yes that’s a blatant bribe!

The date:             MONDAY 21ST MAY
The time:             7.30pm (for 2 hours)
The place:           the Gallery, Greenwich West Community & Arts Centre, 141 Greenwich High Road, SE10 8JA

We look forward to seeing you there.


Chris Ward
ATA Chair


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