
Coronavirus-related frauds increase by 400% in March

  Law enforcement, government and private sectors partners are working together to encourage members of the public to be more vigilant against fraud, particularly about sharing their financial and personal information, as criminals seek to capitalise on the Covid-19 pandemic. Criminals are experts at impersonating people, organisations (e.g. your bank or HMRC) and the police. STOP Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe CHALLENGE Could it be fake? It’s ok to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you. PROTECT Contact your bank immediately if you think you’ve fallen for a scam and report it to Action Fraud. Social Engineering Social Engineering is defined as “The clever manipulation of the natural human tendency to trust.” It’s easier to trick you into opening an infected email than it is to hack into your account. Due to this, social engin...

ATA Spring Census

This week, as lock down continued, the Triangle turned green. Spring has arrived in full glory. Can you help the ATA residents who have already started tracking what that means along the different streets - and back gardens - of the Triangle?  A small group of us are three weeks into recording the birds and bees and bugs we see, and when and in what numbers shrubs and flowers are blooming. We are saving our weekly accounts, exchanging pictures, and comparing notes. Some of us with just a few lines a week, others in more detail (depending on exactly what they are most interested in). It is already helping to build up a better idea of exactly how green the Triangle is.  But we need more help, urgently, if we are to achieve our ambition. By the end of June, after three months observing, we want to be able to piece together a well informed picture of what Spring means for the Triangle. We are calling it the ATA Spring Census. But so far we have only recruited e...

The Community Hub


Free meals for vulnerable residents on Devonshire Drive

The Seventh Day Adventist Church wishes to offer free meals to residents of Devonshire Drive: During the Covid-19 crisis we endeavour to support our community as needs arise within our capacity and capability. We would like to extend our supportive care to all the residents on Devonshire Drive SE10. We plan to offer a cook meal on Sundays to our vulnerable members, and we would like to extend that support to any vulnerable persons living on Devonshire Drive SE10. If you would like to benefit, kindly let us know by calling Veron – 07401 880 009 Pastor Esson – 07985 408 669 Or by the contact information Information needed by end of Friday each week
Hi Everyone, local resident Mick Delap has composed a poem for Easter which I've loaded to YouTube.   The link is here :-)

Important update for residents during Covid-19

The Met Police have provided a special reporting page to report any non-emergency incidents - see below link to a reporting page. For all emergencies continue to call 999. Met Police - how to report non emergency crime during Covid-19 The police have also asked us to highlight a rise in commercial burglary crime and a rise in Domestic Abuse with injury during this pandemic. Neighbourhood Watch Network has teamed up with Women's Aid - see below link for more info.  Neighbourhood Watch Network Women's Aid Appeal There has also been an uptake on doorstep scammers pretending to be volunteers. If you arrange a volunteer make sure you know what time they are due and create a password for ease of identification.  Cancer Research has also asked us to share some important information. If you or a member of your family is currently living with cancer you need to take extra precautions during this time. Cancer Research has made a web guide containing the latest inf...

Bin Collection this Easter Bank Holiday

Please note that all refuse will be collected on Monday over this Easter Weekend instead of a day later which is normal practice over a bank holiday. So please remember to put your bins out as usual on Monday. 

IMPORTANT: Greenwich Foot Tunnel

Cllr Danny Thorpe, Leader of Greenwich Council writes: On Sunday we had to close the Greenwich Foot Tunnel as there were crowds of people walking and cycling through where it’s impossible to keep two metres apart. The tunnel is an important route for essential workers travelling to and from work, so it’s open again now for key workers only. We’ll be keeping a close eye on it and possibly closing it again   over the Easter weekend, or sooner if it gets too crowded. Greenwich is a popular tourist destination for lots of good reasons, but this is a national emergency, not a holiday. There is a real risk that the Government will ban outside exercise if people don’t stick to the rules, so only use the tunnel if you’re an essential worker getting to and from work.

Spring Wildlife census

Join Mick Delap in conducting a SPRING WILDLIFE CENSUS in the Triangle over April and May. Help him record birds, bees, butterflies and blossom - as they happen. We will share the results on the ATA website. Keep a wildlife diary of your garden and encourage your children to do the same. Citizen science at its best.  Guidance and starter ideas available – and more suggestions welcome. See here for more details and let Mick know if you are interested by emailing him at

Salute our superheroes

Cllr Danny Thorpe, Leader of Greenwich Council writes:  Tonight at 8pm, as they did last Thursday, millions of people will stand on their doorsteps, go onto balconies or open their windows and clap for our carers. It’s a simple way to show appreciation for our health and social care workers, emergency services, shop workers, teachers, waste collectors, cleaners and all those making a difference to our lives. If you are able to, the we hopes you can take part. You may have noticed that lots of homes are displaying pictures of rainbows in their front windows  – they cheer up passers-by and offer a message of hope (as well as being a fun  activity  for kids to get  involved in).  You will no doubt have seen that the Government has set up a new hospital at the Excel Centre, NHS Nightingale, which will support up to 4,000 patients. Matthew Trainer, the Chief Executive of Oxleas NHS trust, which is based in Greenwich, has been seconded to run the hospital...