Salute our superheroes

Cllr Danny Thorpe, Leader of Greenwich Council writes: 
Tonight at 8pm, as they did last Thursday, millions of people will stand on their doorsteps, go onto balconies or open their windows and clap for our carers. It’s a simple way to show appreciation for our health and social care workers, emergency services, shop workers, teachers, waste collectors, cleaners and all those making a difference to our lives.
If you are able to, the we hopes you can take part.
You may have noticed that lots of homes are displaying pictures of rainbows in their front windows  – they cheer up passers-by and offer a message of hope (as well as being a fun  activity  for kids to get  involved in).  You will no doubt have seen that the Government has set up a new hospital at the Excel Centre, NHS Nightingale, which will support up to 4,000 patients. Matthew Trainer, the Chief Executive of Oxleas NHS trust, which is based in Greenwich, has been seconded to run the hospital, which is a huge and daunting task.
We would like to show our support for Matthew and the hundreds of people working away from their families to transform the huge blank space of the Excel Centre into a working hospital that will save thousands of lives. To do this, we want you to join us in creating a wall of rainbows and messages of encouragement.
If you would like to get involved, please tag us into your rainbow pictures and messages on social media and use #GreenwichRainbows so everyone can come together and show our support for the people working so hard to keep us safe over at NHS Nightingale. We’ll share them with Matthew and the team to let them know that we’re all behind them.
You can subscribe to the Council's excellent daily email updates on the local impact the pandemic is having here.


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