ATA Spring Census

This week, as lock down continued, the Triangle turned green. Spring has arrived in full glory. Can you help the ATA residents who have already started tracking what that means along the different streets - and back gardens - of the Triangle? 
A small group of us are three weeks into recording the birds and bees and bugs we see, and when and in what numbers shrubs and flowers are blooming. We are saving our weekly accounts, exchanging pictures, and comparing notes. Some of us with just a few lines a week, others in more detail (depending on exactly what they are most interested in). It is already helping to build up a better idea of exactly how green the Triangle is. 
But we need more help, urgently, if we are to achieve our ambition. By the end of June, after three months observing, we want to be able to piece together a well informed picture of what Spring means for the Triangle. We are calling it the ATA Spring Census. But so far we have only recruited eight observers. And we are largely concentrated along the strip of gardens and trees between the east side of Egerton Drive, and Catherine Grove. There are others scattered along Greenwich South Street, and a lonely observer on Ashburnham Place. They need your help, if we are to reflect the true nature of the whole Triangle, what we all share in Spring, but also where there are differences. All it takes is a commitment to reporting weekly - in a few lines, or in more detail, or with a picture - what you are seeing and hearing in your part of the Triangle. It doesn't matter how much or how little you know about birds and insects and plants. 
Mick Delap is organising the Spring Census, and we can help you with basic information, a useful format for your weekly reports (which you can decide to use, or not), and suggestions as to where to find out more. We are also exploring possible ways of using the ATA website to share pictures, and weekly highlights. If you are interested in joining in, please email Mick:


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