
2023 Gardening begins

Our ATA gardeners have set first date for early planting:  Saturday 28 January 10.30 am at Ada Kennedy Court Please join them if you can.

January update from the Royal Greenwich Community Champions

Your views on cervical screening in Greenwich Cervical screening (smear test) is an important test which checks the health of your cervix (the opening to your womb from your vagina). Screening can help prevent cancer and saves lives.  All women and people with a cervix aged 25 to 64 are invited to be screened.  We would like to hear what women and people with a cervix in the borough of Greenwich aged 25 to 64 feel and think about cervical screening to enable us to improve the process and make it easier for people.  💬 Take our short survey - you could win £50 in Love 2 Shop vouchers. Click here to start the survey Covid-19 Vaccination Do you have a weakened immune system, or live with someone who does? You can get a Covid -19 vaccination this winter to help protect them and yourself.  Click here to book  

The Industries of Deptford Creek

Please see above an invitation to an event at the Creekside Discovery Centre on Thursday 12 January at 6.00pm to launch Mary Mills's new book on the Industries of Deptford Creek. It’s a rare opportunity to hear Mary in person. I hope some of you can make it.  Barbara

7th Day Adventist carol concert


Tis the season for the ATA Carols Party Night

  A reminder that Monday night is our Carols Party Night!

Diversity Together Cultural Day, Saturday, December 17th


Carols Party Night, Monday 19 December


Safer Neighbourhood volunteers wanted

The new chair of the Safer Neighbourhood Board, Cheryl, led a meeting on Friday 11 November to discuss the changes to Greenwich borough Safer Neighbourhood wards. The Ashburnham Triangle is part of the Greenwich Park Ward. We are currently looking to recruit a diverse range of residents to join the local ward panel, which will be held with the Greenwich Creekside Ward. The panels are held approx six times a year and are attended by local officers, councilors and members of the Greenwich Safer Spaces teams. If you are interested in supporting security and help shape and feed into policing in the local area please get in touch. There is a meeting about the formation of the new wards on 19 January at 18:30. Please note the new email address for the local Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team:

Planning in Greenwich

Greenwich Council are carrying out a Community Involvement Consultation at the moment to allow local communities/residents to have an input on how the Council can work with us all to improve areas within the Borough through the Planning process.  Below is a link to a page on the Councils website where they are consulting on the development of their new Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). Your feedback could help develop a draft SCI which will be subject to further consultation. Please do get involved and have your say.  

ATA Annual General Meeting, November 23rd

Residents of the Ashburnham Triangle are invited to the Ashburnham Triangle Association's Annual General Meeting on  Wednesday, 23rd November at 7pm  in the back room at the Ashburnham Arms. This AGM will be my first as Chair and we will run through the highlights of the year, our financial position and plans for the year ahead. Roger Bickmore