Good news for residents: the ATA Card is back!
To all Ashburnham Triangle residents - the ATA Card scheme is back!
You may have received a flyer through your door letting you know how to get a new ATA Card to take advantage of discounts offered to residents by local businesses. If you haven't and would like to receive a free card, and you live within the Ashburnham Triangle area, please email ATA Chair Peter Ferenz ( with your address details.
For the latest list of participating businesses and offers, please visit the ATA Card section of this site.
Local businesses have been provided with images of the new ATA Card to share with their staff - if you encounter any issues, please let Peter know. And whenever new businesses join the scheme, you will receive an email from the ATA site.
Efforts are under way to engage more businesses in the scheme. If you run/manage a local business (or know someone who does) and want to discuss getting involved with the scheme, please contact Peter.
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