Bad behaviour within the Triangle

With lockdown restrictions eased last weekend we unfortunately had to witness some bad behaviour within the Triangle from non residents visiting the North Pole bar along Greenwich High Road and D’Luxx in Blackheath Road. Complaints were received of large groups inhaling nitrous oxide gas and also arguments which led to a fight. Cars were also driven at speed up and down Ashburnham Place at approx 1.30am on Sunday 5th July. Local residents also witnessed loud music and social distancing generally not being adhered to at the North Pole and D’Luxx bars.
In order to deal with bad behaviour I am looking for residents help.
If you witness any issues of crime, disorder or anti-social behaviour call 999 for an emergency, i.e., if the issue is currently in progress, otherwise contact 101 and report what you have seen.
For issues with noise, please contact the Council’s noise team and ask for the noise to be witnessed – 020 8921 8921. Please also take photo’s or video clips — if safe to do so — as this type of evidence is paramount when trying to prove a case.
Cllr Maureen O’Mara is personally going to oversee any complaints with these establishments and has also asked for any evidence to be forwarded to her at: Maureen.O'
We really do need your help on this. Just receiving complaints about noise or disturbances days after the event will not result in any effective solution, so if safe, please do take photographic or video evidence. But above all, please report everything.
With thanks in advance for your help.

Tina Pugh
ATA Security / Police Liaison
Emergency dial 999
Non Emergency dial 101
Greenwich Safer Neighbourhood Team: 020 8284 5494 (not 24 hour)


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