Probably last pix of the 2017 street party

Peter, Caroline and Alison look happy running the plant stall, as they usually do

Time for a pint: the young woman in the hat, then (from left) Tom, Nick and Julian

Ash Arms cricket captain Richard looks pensive over his pint

Tom, infrastructure king; Lee, face painting and children's crafts
(Infrastructure = positioning and putting-up of street party structures and electricals) 

Three generations veering towards the cakes: Susan (left) with little Elsie and her auntie Harriet
Another three generations: ATA vice-chair Robin with Martha and Eleni,
 while their mother, Andry, comes out of the pub gate 

Bobby with a bike: PC John Moody with ATA security rep and dog show organiser, Tina 

Clare Portman and Jo Honey, in splendid voice as ever

We loved the Harold Fergus Band singing us out: Lucy on harp, and Harold


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