Latest Safer Neighbourhoods News

Our 'Beat the Burglar' leaflet has now been added to the publications and archive tab of the website. So if you are new to the area or mislaid your copy, you can read our top crime prevention tips for keeping your home safe and secure. The figures for motor vehicle crime for the same period are still high with ten thefts recorded. These include the taking of a motor vehicle and theft from a motor vehicle. We are working with the Police on a new leaflet on car, moped and bike crime for distribution later this autumn in order to address this issue.
There have been complaints of noise nuisance from a pub in Greenwich High Road near to the DLR station. Residents affected are advised to log dates and times of the noise, how long it lasts and how it affects you. This will help build up evidence and you can report incidents to the Council's Noise Team on 020 8921 8921. Night time drug dealing has been seen in cars stopping at the end of Egerton Drive by the no entry gate with Greenwich High road. If you see anything suspicious, note the car registration numbers when it is safe to do so and email the details to the Police
Neighbourhood Watch Conference
Security Hub Representative David Scales fedback to the meeting a brief report on the highly successful June 17th borough-wide NHW Conference held in Woolwich and organised by the Safer Greenwich Project in partnership with the Safer Neighbourhoods Police. Over fifty people, mainly NHW Coordinators attended. There were various short talks including an excellent presentation given by Trading Standards on scams, doorstep crime and bogus callers. We are arranging with the Safer Neighbourhoods Police for the same presentation to be given in October along with a drop-in where residents can discuss any policing related matters, keep an eye on our website for further details.
The key action points from the conference were around more funding for establishing and maintaining NHW schemes, improved information resources on crime prevention and better communication between NHW Coordinators and Safer Neighbourhoods Panels. If you would like to get involved or find out more about Neighbourhood Watch then please contact us. We are now trialling a new generic email address for Security so would welcome your comments on this or any other issues to
The minutes of the 27th April local Safer Neighbourhoods panel meeting can be found here.
Graffiti Watch
There has been a spate of tags along Greenwich South Street recently with the letters HBS daubed over buildings and shop fronts. We are very fortunate these defacements were removed so promptly thanks to the efforts of the Council's graffiti team led by Paul Knight, who welcomes contact from residents. If you see any unsightly incidents of graffiti you can email them to Paul at
David Scales/Tina Pugh
Security Hub
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