ATA history news
Diana Rimel's History of the Ashburnham Triangle. Diana Rimel’s booklet on the Ashburnham Triangle. This was first published in 2009 and Diana has kindly agreed to allow the digital version to be accessed from this website.
Richard Cheffins' material. This is material given to the ATA by Richard Cheffins (formerly a Treasurer of the ATA and local historian). Over many years Richard hand wrote facts and snippets of information about the people and places in the Ashburnham Triangle on over 500 cards. These were gradually typed up by three students over a period of 4 months and then checked by local resident Mick Delap. They can now be searched and commented on.
Latest posts from March 2021 meeting Margaret's script and slides
A photo history website of the Triangle and surrounding area, which can be found from this link https://greenwich.wiki.zoho.com.
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