James Wolfe Primary School, Greenwich needs your help!
At James Wolfe Primary School, we have started work with a company called 'OPAL', which stands for Outdoor Play and Learning. Their vision is: every child in every school has an amazing hour of high-quality play every day – with no exceptions. We want every school to plan for, resource and evaluate the quality of their play provision as if it were an important human right, essential to all aspects of children’s development and a source of joy and happiness. We are developing our play opportunities to help our children to develop their whole selves and experience the 16 types of play OPAL outline in their training.What kinds of things do we need?
- Large amounts of soil
- Large amounts of sand
- Large amounts of chalk for children to use
- Wooden Palettes and crates
- Any cardboard
- Dressing up clothes
- Children's books
- Toys
- Old Suitcases
- Anything that could be used for den-building or junk-modelling
- Giant board games!
- Anything that you/your company need to dispose of that you think could be safe for children to play with (e.g. cardboard)
If you or any companies/organisations you have contact with could support us, please contact Joe Armson (Assistant Headteacher) (jarmson@jameswolfe.greenwich.sch.uk).
If you would like to know more about the OPAL organisation, please follow the links here:
A video of a school who have worked with OPAL for 18 months:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXxgxygdFWo&t=31s
Thank you very much for your time and, in advance, for your help!
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