Security panel update

The SNT ward panel met on Tuesday 10 October. The ward are currently looking for new members from all areas of Greenwich Park and Greenwich Creekside wards. If you are interested, please attend the next meeting on Tuesday 23rd January at Armada Court Community Hall, SE8 3EZ.

Local crime statistic are available at

See below for a brief lowdown on the main issues recently in each ward:


- Street robberies and phone snatches along Creek Road. The robberies happen throughout the day and cover Creek Road, Millennium Quay, New Capital Quay, Town Centre and areas around Greenwich Park and High Road. Ongoing operations in the area to tackle this - plain clothes officers patrol. Some arrests have been made. Police attended Freshers week and have been working with the university to assist students with the personal safety.

Park Ward

- Robbery issue (phones snatches). Council have advised that approx 20 sites have been identified for opavement marking to warn pedestrians but funding needed to complete this. 

- Some homeless have been causing issues and the police are working to identify them but they are not always willing to engage. Have been offered support and help but not always accepted. Council are working to locate sleep sites.

- A male with mental health issues has been causing issues in shops. Police aware and have started dealing with him. 

- Greenwich Park and National Maritime Museum- main focus is robberies and phone snatches spilling into park. Less than town centre etc. Royal Park Police have done work to deter robbers from entering the park. Bike speeding issue remains. Royal Parks Police intervene with vehicles that aren’t road legal.

- Shoplifting is becoming more of a problem in the area (supermarkets, Boots)

Ashburnham Triangle specific

- Incident with dog biting child on Catherine Grove. Male arrested and charged.

- Dog destroyed. Dogs should remain on leads in Greenwich on public roads.

- Issues with other dogs in the area that police are aware of. XL bully legislation not changed yet. Ownership of these dogs to be confirmed in future. SNT have liaised with Status Dog Unit within MET.


Autumn Nights- Halloween etc- specific patrols around events. Start 21 October, certain red days (Halloween period, Guy Fawkes). Will be patrolling local neighbourhoods. Can try to target certain areas/times/places if information sent. 

- Licensing has contacted shops about selling fireworks, inspections being made.

- Licensing producing a list of shops allowed to sell them. May be recommending hiding eggs/flour. 

- 24th October 1830 Armada Court Community Centre Housing Panel


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