Ashburnham Triangle Carol Singing for Shelter
Resident Janet Stott writes
On December 19th at 6 pm we met at the Ashburnham Arms for chestnuts, mince pies and mulled wine. There was a very good turnout kids and adults alike. The weather looked like rain but everyone cheerfully set out and we sang carols round the Triangle with great gusto. Children rattled collecting boxes and the residents generously put their money in. We got back to the pub just in time to avoid a downpour. Pepina at the Ash was ready with drinks, shepherds pie and a vegetarian option. An unusually high number squeezed in for the Christmas Quiz that Barbara Reid had prepared. Pepina provided the food at cost with the rest of the proceeds going to Shelter, there was a small charge to enter the Quiz and the ATA residents made up the rest of the collection which amounted to £347.
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