History Hub update
From Barbara Reid:
It’s a long time since our last History Hub meeting and it’s likely to be some time before we can meet again (one day we will!) at The Ash. Until then I’m hoping that we can meet via Zoom this winter. I’d like the meeting to include a talk and am in touch with a couple of possible speakers. I’ll email again when I have something organised.
In the meantime you might be interested in catching the next two sessions of Greenwich in 50 objects, developed by professional storyteller Richard Sylvester in partnership with Royal Museums Greenwich. It’s on Tuesday evenings 7.00 - 8.00pm and here’s a link for more information:
Richard is working on a wider History of Greenwich in 100 object project (independent of Royal Museums Greenwich) and has set up a website: https://www.hogblog.org
If you are stuck for something to watch I can recommend the Layers of London webinars. They are all available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKSICy8FIDCKV0uVifb0sqw
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