Licensing Team Request - North Pole
Since the re-opening of pubs on 4 July, we have received numerous complaints from residents regarding anti-social behaviour and the lack of social distancing being observed at the North Pole in Greenwich High Road. The North Pole have now installed new signage to manage social distancing and are also operating a new system to manage the flow of people leaving by allowing those who have ordered cabs to wait inside which should help to prevent disturbing residents close by.
However, due to the recent evidence submitted by local residents of said anti-social behaviour and the lack of social distancing at the North Pole, the Licensing Team and Commercial Environmental Health Team are leading an investigation. They have asked if you witness any further disturbances from this establishment can you please forward evidence (photo / video footage) and submit it to the following email: and quote reference number SR63457. Please also continue to cc any email to Maureen O'Mara who is also overseeing these complaints.
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