Volunteers wanted by the ATA History Hub
Barbara from our History Hub writes:
I can’t say yet when we’ll be able to have another History Hub meeting but in case anyone has a bit of free time on their hands I’m flagging up something that you might want to take part in. Margaret Luce has been helping to trace the Charles Booth's Poverty Maps of London and more volunteers are needed. It’s something you can easily do at home. Booth’s Poverty map has poverty classifications for different buildings, but there has been no way to read the locations as data. You can help trace the colours and label them, so that researchers can use the data in the future. The London School of Economics library developed a website on Charles Booth’s London which includes his maps and notebooks. You can find out more here
All the information about the project and a demonstration of how to do the tracing and colouring is on a YouTube webinar produced by Layers of London
You can do as little or as much as you like because the maps are divided into small squares. You can take an area of London that you are familiar with and get to know it better or choose an area you don’t know. There’s something soothing as well as informative about the activity.
The Layers of London website has other new features and user feedback has been taken on board so do take another look at it www.layersoflondon.org
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