Refuse Collections, Greenwich Park and Military Aircraft

Here at the ATA we are conscious of not overburdening you with endless information. However, in these strange times our daily lives are continually changing and we need to adapt fast. We will continue to deliver important information for both the Triangle and Greenwich in general to help you continue your daily lives. Please see below regarding waste collection, behaviour in Greenwich Park and the possible increase of military aircraft.

Waste Collection & Street Cleaning
Refuse collection is still continuing but with reduced numbers of staff the council have asked for everyone's help to ensure this can continue. 

Waste needs to be kept to a minimum. Now is not the time to spring clean and fill your recycling bins creating extra waste.

Garden waste (grass) should either be composted or bagged up and kept aside until collections are back to normal when you can deposit the grass into your green bin.  

If your bin is not collected on the normal designated collection day, please do not contact the council. They will collect bins as and when they can. Please continue to place bins on the kerbside ready for collection as this speeds up the collection process. 

The Reuse and Recycle Centre at Nathan Way is closed until further notice. 

Street cleaning is currently suspended. PLEASE do not litter if leaving your home for essential reasons or daily exercise. 

Greenwich Park

If you visit Greenwich Park for your daily exercise please make sure you do not congregate in groups, sunbathe, play football or even sit and talk on the park benches. Poor behaviour in the park will have consequences for us all. The park police are regularly patrolling and will be enforcing this too.

City Airport

City airport has temporarily suspended all commercial and private flights, effective from Wednesday 25 March. This is expected to last until the end of April and will be kept under review. The airport has become ‘RAF Nightingale’ and you may see military aircraft and movement around the airport. This is normal and is to support the new NHS Nightingale Hospital at the Excel Centre


  1. The best thing to do with grass clippings is to leave them on the lawn. Puts nutrition back to the soil. Now is not the time to have a show lawn.


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