Thames Tideway Tunnel Meeting

The next Community Liaison Working Group meeting to discuss Thames Tideway Tunnel matters in on September 12th, from 6 to 8 pm, in the Creekside Environment Centre. Please come along if you can. The meeting will report on how the excavation of the drop shaft is proceeding and the operation of the traffic management arrangements in and out of Norman Road, both present and future. It will be the first chance we have had to discuss our experience of the new lorry arrangements on Norman Road and Greenwich High Road. If you can’t make the meeting but would like to make a comment on the lorry arrangements please send an email to Barbara Reid, or Neil Sinclair, who will both be attending the meeting. Mick Delap who liaises with Thames Tideway on behalf of the ATA is away. We’ll also ask for an update on bookings for visiting the Pumping Station on Open House weekend (21 September) and find out if there’s a waiting list or other days when the site could be open to local residents.


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