Safer Neighbourhoods July Update

We welcome Sergeant Iain O’Hara to the Safer Neighbourhoods Team who joined on 2nd June. Iain has been with the Metropolitan Police for over 19 years and specifically requested to join a Safer Neighbourhood Team in his next role. We look forward to building on our close relationship with the SNT Team.

The rest of the Safer Neighbourhood Team remains unchanged:

Police Constable John Moody
Police Constable Jaime Welch - currently on maternity leave but returning 24th August
PCSO Henry Lawton

Outside the Triangle
There has been numerous reports of bag and phone snatching near the Cutty Sark boat. Police advise not to walk and talk on your phone around this area and to be vigilant of your surroundings if you do need to make/take a call. 

There are new beggars within the Town Centre. Please note that many of these beggars are known to police and are not actually homeless.  Police advise NOT to give money to anyone begging.

Drug dealing and drug taking at Point Hill is on the increase. Recently teenagers were approached asking if they would like to buy drugs and when they declined a knife was pulled out on them. The teenagers got away without injury.

At the end of June there was a robbery down Bardsley Lane. The victim was stabbed in the head and his vehicle (Land Rover) was stolen. Bardsley Lane is behind Tesco Metro and the back entrance of St.Alfege Church Park. The robbery took place at 11pm. The victim has been treated for his injuries. The car has not been recovered.

There was another attempted robbery approx 2 weeks ago along Gloucester Circus at 2am. A man and woman approached a man on his way home from a night out asking him for the time. As they came closer they pulled a knife and demanded his wallet. The victim went to get his wallet out and then ran. Fortunately for him there was a passing police car. The police chased the criminals, caught them and secured the knife and charged them. Proof that police on our streets does catch criminals!

Within the Triangle
16 July at 2:45pm a lady was mugged along Devonshire Drive by two young black males on a black moped. They pretended to ask for directions and once they had the ladies attention snatched her bag.

Over the last two months burglary figures continue to decrease with hardly any reports within The Triangle. Outbuildings (sheds/garages) have been the main target recently. Motor vehicle crime within the Triangle is also down but there is still too many reports of thefs from cars. Please DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING ON DISPLAY.

Local Councillors have contacted the demolition company working along Norman Road (Opp North Pole) as many vehicles have been seen to park in the emergency access bay along Egerton Drive. The company has been warned to cease parking here.

Nitrous Oxide Canisters
Local Councillors are looking into how we can ban the use of Nitrous Oxide canisters within the borough of Greenwich. The small silver cannisters (supposed to be used for whipping cream but are used for a legal high when inhaled), have been creating a littering hazard for many years now.  The London Borough of Lambeth has successfully banned these annoying canisters and hopefully Greenwich can follow. Watch this space.

The police are aware of a man dealing drugs outside Davy’s Wine bar and are currently monitoring the situation.

Drug dealing and the use of drug taking is increasing at an alarming rate. Often residents say they see dealers and users, especially outside or near the North Pole.

If you see drug dealing, and in order to help the police can you….

- Take a picture (if safe to do so)
- Note the time and date
- Forward to your ATA Rep or the safer neighbourhood police team

Trading Standard has issued three alerts recently.  See below and attached.
Tina Pugh
ATA Security / Police Liaison


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