Thames Tideway Tunnel update
Proposals by the Thames Tideway Tunnel contractors to make Greenwich South Street and the area around Greenwich Station a major part of the route for the lorries needed to take away the spoil from the next stage of their Super Sewer digging have been rejected by Greenwich Planning Committee.
The ATA and many worried residents attended a special Planning meeting on 28th March to voice their worries about health and safety and environmental impact. The ATA was one of a number of objectors in attendance. Planning Committee members, including West Ward Councillors Mehboob Khan and Aidan Smith, voted unanimously to reject the TTT proposal. TTT were asked instead to return to their original route in and out of the Triangle by the shorter section of Greenwich High Road between the A2 and Norman Road. Any new proposals will need to be approved.
The ATA continues to press for improvements to pedestrian and cycle safety along this section of the suggested route. The ATA's Mick Delap is also keen to talk with those who live and work on the affected section of Greenwich High Road so please do feel free to get in touch on the following Email
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