Safer Neighbourhoods Update
Burglaries within the Triangle have dramatically reduced over the last couple of months. Although this is good news, the police are unsure as to why and where the culprits have moved onto. Our area is still under surveillance by the Police so please continue to be vigilant, double bolt your front door at night, don’t advertise when you will be away i.e. on social media.
Some good news regarding a burglary in Langdale Road last year which was captured on a Ring Doorbell Video. The individual was caught, charged with receiving stolen goods and Class A Cocaine and has been charged with 25 months imprisonment. Proof that home camera security really does work.
One area for real concern within the Triangle is the increase of drug dealing which is blatantly taking place at anytime of the day. It’s very hard for the police to tackle this problem so they have asked for our help. If you see any individual(s) passing packages and money exchanged can you send a description of that person(s) (a photo if safe to do so) make a note of any car or bike registration number and email the details through to our Safer Neighbourhood Team on:
I’ve heard some residents say “I’ve told the police but they don’t do anything”. All emails of this nature are sent through to the intelligence team. The police rely on us to send these details through so they can build a report and then act accordingly. Successful policing depends on the correct statistics. If we don't report this type of crime then there won’t be the correct statistics for them to act on or the correct intelligence to capture the individuals involved.
Outside the Triangle
There has been numerous reports of phone snatching along the Thames footpath between the Cutty Sark and Waitrose supermarket, usually around 4pm. Young women, especially if they are pushing a pram have been especially targeted. The majority of the culprits are believed to be teenage boys from local schools, ranging form 14 to 16 in age. They tend to wear large dark hoodies to cover up their school uniform. Police have put extra resources in this area and have caught some of the individuals. Police advise not to take or make a call in this area and just be aware of your surroundings if you do need to make a call.

Greenwich Market has now employed their own security and patrols the perimeter of the market on all busy market days. It’s proving to be successful with some shoplifters already caught.
For your information, please find attached minutes of the last Safer Neighbourhoods Panel meeting held on 9th January 2019 here.
And finally…….
No-one can do everything, but everyone can do something.
By working together we can achieve a safer place to live……Remember, if you see anything suspicious call 999 immediately.
Greenwich West Safer Neighbourhood Police Team
Telephone: 020 8284 5494 (not 24 hour service)
Tina Pugh
Police Liaison / ATA Security
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