Planning Committee Meeting, March 28th

Greenwich Area Planning Committee is being held on Thursday, 28 March 2019 at The Town Hall, Wellington Street,
Woolwich SE18 6PW starting at 6:00PM.
The following item is to be considered at the meeting:
Site: Thames Tideway Tunnel Development, Greenwich, SE10
Proposals: 18/3493/G Application for formal partial discharge of Schedule 3 GREPS1, CoCP
Part B (C415-GREPS-240) amendment to vehicular route to incorporate the following routes for the shaft excavation period of the project.

Access from:
• Blackheath Road (A2)
• Greenwich South Street
• Greenwich High Road (A206)(where the vehicle holding area will be located)
• Norman Road (B208)
Egress from:
• Norman Road (B206)
• Greenwich High Road (A206)
• Blackheath Road (A2)
18/3473/G Application for formal partial discharge of Schedule 3 GREPS9 (C415-GREPS-242) Worksite Specific Traffic Management Plan - Revised documents
18/3486/G - Application for formal partial discharge of Schedule 3 PW6 CoCP Part A, Section 5, paragraph 5.1.9 (C415-GREPS-243) Worksite Specific Construction
Logistics Plan
The agenda and the reports for the meeting, and the relevant procedural information, can be
accessed at the Council’s website at
Please note the following:
Let Committee Services know in advance of the meeting by
telephoning 020 8921 4350 or e-mailing if you wish to speak at this meeting on an agenda item; advise if you are speaking in favour of or objection to the proposal. Your name will be added to a list of speakers.


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