Thames Tideway Tunnel update

The Thames Tideway Tunnel “Super Sewer” project on Norman Road is just about to start some serious tunnelling - which will require a considerable increase in lorry traffic along the ATA’s boundary roads, to remove the spoil created by TTT’s excavations. TTT want to start 3 months of new tunnelling in March. They have recently amended their “traffic management plan” (Planning Application No. 18/3486/G), and have just discussed it with local West Ward and ATA residents, including the ATA’s Mick Delap. 
Now the TTT need to get Council approval for their traffic plans and are due to apply for this approval on 19th Feb at Planning Board. Mick Delap reports that TTT have responded to some local resident concerns and are clearly trying to listen, but he feels they are missing the point in two areas: not providing a noise and pollution monitor where problems for West Greenwich residents are likely to be at their worst; and not working hard enough to inform key pedestrian and cyclist road users about what is happening). 
On a third issue - persuading Greenwich Council to slap a 20 m.p.h. speed limit on Greenwich South Street and High Road - Mick reckons TTT needs as many ATA residents as possible to express their support to the Council. 
If you want to tell the Council what you think, on these three issues and any others, Mick says your views should ideally be with the Council before Jan 30th. He explains how to lodge your views and gives the latest background in his latest update - click here to read it in full.


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