Thames Tideway Tunnel update

Thames Tideway Tunnel are getting ready to start the next phase of their tunnelling works at the Greenwich Pumping Station site on Norman Road. It is scheduled to start in February, using 75 lorries a day until the end of April. The lorries will come on to the tunnelling site on Norman Road via Greenwich South Street and Greenwich High Road, and leave by turning right, back out of Norman Road, and up Greenwich High Road to the east bound A2. To ensure the most efficient flow of lorries through the tunnelling site, TTT are proposing a Vehicle Holding Area on the way into the site. The proposed VHA will be on Greenwich High Road, opposite the Tyre garage.
TTT have overall planning approval for their tunnelling project in Greenwich. But before they can begin this new phase of their tunnelling, they need Greenwich approval for the detail of their Traffic Management Plans. TTT have been discussing these traffic management plans with ATA representatives and Greenwich Council over the last few months. Now they have agreed the final shape of their planning application (see Greenwich Planning Application Number 18/3473). Before this application goes before Greenwich Planning Board, on Tuesday 22nd Jan, TTT want to give all ATA and West Ward residents a chance to see what they are proposing. So next Tuesday (15th Jan) they are holding a special session of their regular quarterly Community Liaison Working Group meeting in the Greenwich Community Centre on Greenwich High Road, starting at 7.00 p.m. All welcome. If you would like to know more about the TTT Super Sewer project, these latest traffic proposals, and what the ATA's input has been so far, please see Mick Delap's briefing note here and the TTT video on YouTube here.


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