More crime to report

It is with regret to announce there was another burglary in Ashburnham Grove on the evening / early hours of the morning on 13th/14th December. Entry was again through the bottom sash window.

Today, there has been various crimes around the Triangle, including damage and theft from a car in Catherine Grove and an attempted house break-in, again in Catherine Grove.

During the last few days there has been a rapid increase in the theft from cars, particularly Ashburnham Place and the theft of a motor vehicle has also been reported.

I cannot emphasise the importance that you action all security advice offered over the last few weeks.

  • Don't leave anything on show in your vehicle - cars have been broken into for as little as 50p.
  • For keyless cars, don't leave your car key fob near the front door or window. For added security put your keys in a metal tin or signal blocking pouch.
  • Make sure all windows and doors have sufficient locks.
  • Make your property visible from the pavement - cut back tall hedges.
  • Install security lighting - the darker and more concealed your property is the more of a target you will be.

Tina Pugh


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