Police Meet Update

A huge Thank You to Henry Lawton, our dedicated PCSO, who attended the Police Meet last Saturday. Despite the pouring rain, the meeting was held inside the Ashburnham Arms with valuable advice being passed onto residents. Below are some of the issues that were raised:
No Entry junction on Devonshire Drive
All types of vehicles continue to ignore the One Way sign and drive in the wrong direction, especially if Greenwich High Road is heavily congestedPolice do randomly monitor this junction and fine any vehicle driving through the one way entry but they obviously cannot be present the whole time. CCTV has been suggested but at the moment the cost is an issue which the council cannot meet. This is an ongoing problem which we all need to monitor.

Increase in Burglaries
Unfortunately the police have reported an increase in burglaries within the Greenwich West area. Within the Triangle in the last two weeks opportunist burglars have once again tried to gain entry via open windows - which was a huge problem during the summer months. With Christmas approaching we are expecting a rise in attempted break-ins. The current method of entry is through vulnerable basement sash windows. Burglars have been scouting the area, with one resident noticing suspicious behaviour of two white males only last week, whereby they were specifically looking at each basement window in Devonshire Drive, perhaps to see if any would be easy to break into.  Remember, if you see ANYTHING that looks suspicious, phone 999 - you could be stopping an attempted burglary.

Increase in Antisocial Behaviour
I’ve recently been alerted to two seperate issues of antisocial behaviour which includes all night parties, loud music and drug taking. This type of behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. The police and council have been informed and they are currently being dealt with. 

The squatters in the old Probation building - 39 Greenwich High Road - have recently being causing a disturbance with increased noise and mess. An eviction noticed has been served and bailiffs will be evicting all squatters on Friday 12 October.


Police are appealing for information after 26-year-old man was shot in Greenwich

Slightly outside the Triangle, but on Monday this week, 8th October, officers attended Old Pearson Street at the junction with Randall Place, SE10, at approximately 08:30hrs to reports of shots being fired.

A short while later a man with a gunshot injury presented himself at a hospital, where he currently remains. His condition is described as non life-threatening or life changing.

This incident took place close to James Wolfe Primary School. At this stage police believe that the incident was unconnected to the school or anyone at the school. Nobody else was injured.

Police are asking for anyone who witnessed or has information regarding the incident to contact telephone number 101 (quote reference: CAD 1483/08OCT18).

To give information anonymously contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org

Remember, if you see anything suspicious call 999 immediately.

For non emergency call 101 or contact our Safer Neighbourhoold Team:
Tel: 0208 284 5494

Tina Pugh


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