Halloween in the Triangle

Tara MacNeill Veitch writes:
Following the success of the last seven years we are once again organising for children to be able to safely celebrate Halloween by trick or treating in the Ashburnham Triangle from 6 to 8pm.
Participation is of course absolutely voluntary. We do hope that your children would like to join in to trick or treat and, whether you have children or not, that you would like to give out sweets. For safety and hygiene please only give out wrapped or packaged sweets.
If you are interested, on Halloween night please place a pumpkin or sign by your front door or window so that the children know at which houses to stop, and so that anyone not interested in participating is not inconvenienced.


  1. A lovely evening with approximately 100 children knocking at my door. It was great to see them with their parents, laughing, having fun and being polite and friendly while wearing some brilliant costumes.


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